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Everything posted by vic_underground

  1. Thanks man! I tend to believe it's because of the skin / fonts. I can't recall having these issues playing FM23 using a similar dark skin tho. Will give it a try during daylinght with multiple skins. Thanks again!
  2. I am complaining about 35 fps as 35 mhz hurting my eyes - btw does anyone know if the game renders 35 fps then the monitor will match that in mhz as well (.e.g 35 mhz) or monitor keeps running at it's speed 165 mhz? Match engine pumps fps to 165 fps - same question as above stands -> does FPS = MHz ? Can you confirm you're having 35 fps as well while in UI?
  3. Hi guys, Just installed FM24 but I cannot play more than 10 minutes as I get severe headache from the 35 FPS / MHZ downscale while in UI ( squad, tactics, basically playing game). The main menu and 3 matches are upscaling to 165 fps insantly, but just after landing in the static screens the game scales the fps down to 35. I've got a high end PC and a 165 mhz monitor, so there is no fps drop or anything like it due to performance. It's just the game that 'prefers' to cool it down to 35.
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