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  1. Hey i have a question i have been playing for a while fm 2005 version 5.0. 2 because it's the only one that works on windows 10 at least for me, can you tell me something about tactics, I do literally everything team instruction I set for rivals, I try 1 all the time, change player instruction or no change I try everything but I never get success and so far I play good teams like barcelona,real,arsenal etc people on youtube or forums don't set anything 0 player instruction, team instruction everything in the middle and they win everything what is the point here, I try to set everything, but I also tried like them not setting almost nothing always comes out wrong, I do not say that I want to win all the time because it is clear that it is impossible, at home I still win somehow but away it does not help anything neither creative freedom nor counter nor man marking,direct passing I really tried everything : D menatlity rules of two, 5x5 seriously i try everything but nothing works in fm 2006 i was still able to play mentality rules of two it helped a lot and i set there literally every player individually creative freedom etc and it really works<although I think it should also work better although I say in 2006 I can achieve success, but it also took 100 hours, creative freedom and mentality was most important>, in 2005 nothing works . I set your settings also nothing works I completely don't understand it can someone explain something to me about it Sorry for my english. Greetings
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