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Posts posted by RicKy041

  1. 7 hours ago, GIMN said:

    Covered in the FAQs.  This is based on the archetypes in the article, and the boundaries change with each SI patch to cover approximately 10% of players for the target position group.

    As answered on YouTube:

    It is an overlay for the video.  The game has no way of displaying stats that are aggregated from across multiple saves.  To edit the skin, I recommend reading through the skinning guides on this forum.

    But, weren't Key Pass (or Key Pass/90) or Open Play Cross Completion Ratio calculated in-game, rather than being an aggregated statistic across multiple saves; so it can be shown on a player's profile regarding the saves. Just like how you shown Appearances and Minutes next to the Patsy Chart? Or am I missing something here? :ackter:

  2. Hello! I have a question regarding the skin, but first of all, thank you for creating such an amazing skin! I've tried the Mustermann since FM23, although the skin wasn't a fit for me back then. But now I'm hooked and can't seem to play without your skin! It truly is a game-changer for me!


    Anyway, back to the question. I have seen your videos with these stats on a player's profile :




    Is it possible to add/see those stats (or maybe some of these stats below) without having to move to another viz (namely the Patsy and the Stats section)?


    Current statistics shown on a player profile via Pizza Chart :



    Open-Play Cross Completion Ratio via Patsy :



    Key Pass/90 and Open Play Key Pass/90 via Stats screen on a player's profile :



    That's all my question for now. Thank you for a masterpiece of creation you have done for the community. Cheers!

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