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  1. Dear Sports Interactive. So I’m all good with the £10 a month Netflix thing for there are things, opportunities you just can’t tune down for the growth of a business. But I believe there is an issue, still an issue, with the SAVE GAME feature which renders the game unplayable. I would like to know please SI, if this SAVE LOSS issue has been resolved and if yet, what was causing the issue. So far as of the 24th September 2024 I am just reading SAVE LOSS after SAVE LOSS on your FM24 mobile reviews page and two years on the issue is a) not fixed, and b) you have not given your customers an explanation for it. I am a massive massive fan of you guys, developers, and 90% of peoples moaning about the game isn’t good enough is nonsense, but the SAVE LOSS issue really is a major issue with surly has to be addressed. Not blaming anyone but please note, pre joining Netflix this issue didn’t exist, was unheard of on IOS, and for the issue to suddenly pop up post teaming up with Netflix doesn’t need a genius to tell you that highly likely there is a compatibly issue between the game itself and how Netflix integrates the game. I have lost SAVES from two titles since you guys joined Netflix, FM24 mobile and GTA San Andreas The Definitive Addition, coincidence after teaming up with Netflix, I honestly don’t think so. I would love some feedback on this please folks, some news on where you are with the issue. My last FM24 game was about 9 months ago when I lost my SAVE, I cannot possibly even begin to play a game that involves so much of one’s time that can just instantly disappear… and this is not said in a bitchy way, I have been a massive fan of this title since 1998, or think this issue is permanent now is the death of the best thing you have ever delivered. I look forward to receiving a response, and thanks in advance SI for taking the time to patiently read my post. Love you guys, developers 👍🏼
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