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Posts posted by Stu232

  1. Well why dont you create yours and Mr Hough can create his 4-2-2-2 ;)

    Basicaly it is a 4-4-2 with a bit more attacking edge and people want to play with 2 strikers and wingers mate, so i really cant see why Mr Hough cant improve his defence maybe your right and he cant improve it but it is still an achivemnet to win the league with Spurs first season with the signings he made, so in that respect it can only get better

  2. Mr Hough can you please keep trying with your 4-2-2-2 with 2 CMs as im sure many people want to play this formation? you must of had it sussed up top because of the amount of goals you managed to score? maybe just a few tweek's and it will be there with the defence? Have you tried dropping one of the cms to dm like your older formation (cant remember the name)

    Im sure many people want to play the 4-2-2-2 please keep trying :) or release what you had before :)

  3. I'm testing the winger formation that i have made with aston villa just hit january and john carew has just come 3rd in the european Striker of the year awards.

    I find that pretty amazing cos he isn't a great striker really, He's scored 11 goals in 13 Prem games not bad.

    What formation is that using then? 4-2-4?

    sounds like it is coming along well

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