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100 "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"

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    Playing CM/FM series since 1992 (Amiga 500).


  • Interests
    Football, Beer and some Magnet Fishing

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    MUFC & Northampton Town

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    Manchester United FC

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  1. Never seen it not achieved it. Feel I tend to be more calm and collected for the most part.
  2. And that is madness, despite the fact they will gladly offer you a bumper salary come contract renewal time. I get there are limits needed for such things like coaches, but if I'm successful then there should be more flexibility.
  3. This issue, or ones like this, is a long term issue. Like how the game will tell me why I can't have one more coach even though the club are swamped with available cash... but I can buy a player for £100m plus without issue.
  4. But make the roadblocks realistic. Players going off at the manager in that way isn't realistic when everything else is performing positively. Team and player conversations have been crap for sometime now. Not surprised this still exists in FM24, but will it come FM25?
  5. @ OP, that's a maddening situation you find yourself in right there. I too would equally be annoyed by it. Though I'm yet to buy FM24 (may wait for sale next year), this isn't a new problem like you suggested. In the real world that player would go for more than his original purchase price - so 110% you are spot on with your opinion.
  6. This is indeed a disappointing read. I'd hoped we would have seen this updated. I'm not willing to purchase the game if the same old issues remain. It sucks enjoyment from the game.
  7. You could make your own team/create a team via the main menu. But editor has always followed after the beta is done.
  8. Pretty sure we said the same last year..... then they updated it.
  9. Sorry to be the doubting Thomas here, but reading the comments above makes me believe there will be some very disappointed players come FM25.
  10. I've been using the pre-game editor for some years now, and occassionally I enjoy creating scenarios (role play to some extent) with clubs. Needless to say, I consider myself an experienced user of the pre-game editor, maybe not an expert, but I know my way around it to a good level. Primarily, my "edits" surround creating a new owner with lot's of money and /or a desire to see the club they own become the best it possibly can be. In my opinion, this adds a fun flavour to the game whilst helping to extend the enjoyment players receive from their purchase. It should also be added that I pride myself on the detail(s) added to each edit file, however..... The pre-game editor is extremely frustrating to use. Yes, many things can be edited and I appreciate having the tools available to do this, but creating new owners with a mind set and having that represented on the in-game screen is just not working as (I presume) is intended. For example, Supporter Expectations/Culture - what is shown in the editor is not clearly represented in game. Club expectations/Owner expectations is exactly the same with major issues around short to long term goals not showing up as they should do. I've tested the pre-game editor on numerous occassions, by going into the game and comparing edited data with in game - but sadly not everything will appear. Why is this? For example, I want the owner to want to club to win the EPL in the first season, but this won't show up. Challenging for the EPL will show up, where as continued qualification for the Champions League will not show up. ?!?!? We should be able to create both short and long term objections and have these displayed in game. It's an option in the editor, but there appears to be some disconnect between what will and what won't be shown. See files attached for what I mean. For example, why will Win EPL in 2022 not show up? It should also be an ongoing requirement, Only from 2023 does it state "work towards challenging for the EPL". That isn't in the edit data, or am I missing something here? So very confused. When can we expect this to be updated properly so decent content can be created for the Workshop? I've seen historic posts about this strecthing on for sometime now, so a "we have it down for development" doesn't quite cut it. The information/numbers are there, so surely it should be quite simple to have this information displayed properly - otherwise what is the point in having these options available to edit when they simply do nothing, zero, zilch to the game. Appreciate any feedback, support, comments and suggestions.
  11. MUFC Rich Sugar Daddy from Qatar.fmf I've also created a new manchester united sugar daddy edit - but this time with Sheikh Jassim Bin Hamad Al Thani as the owner. Check out STEAM for screenshots etc. Enjoy!
  12. Manchester United FC Rich (Sir Jim as Sugar Daddy).fmf Here's the file. Enjoy!
  13. So spend, spend, spend in order to get a tycoon takeover? Cool.
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