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73 "Houston, we have a problem"

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  1. Bellingham is already extremely good, if he gets an upgrade he's gonna look like Messi..
  2. I have noticed the same with the latest patch. They only always offer lowest playing time, which to me is the key to the whole loan deal.
  3. I have been noticing this problem for maaany editions of FM now but right now the crossing seems to be there for many fullbacks but they still are waaay to low on dribbling and off the ball. No Roberto Carlos or Cafu style wingbacks
  4. I agree, I really thought this would be fixed in the full version release yesterday, but it seems to me it's the exact same game as in early access... Disappointing.
  5. Has he been welcomed by a player with lower determination? It seems that this thing changes the player personality quite extreme this year
  6. Player interactions are cool but media stuff is boooooring and pointless imo.
  7. Ive been playing every CM/FM game since CM2 96/97 and its always been about three things: Match engine - This is where the main experience lies of course. Opposition AI - In order to maintain a well balanced and challenging game world. Newgen development - To maintain the player balance and to be able to build a squad year after year with the same player balance as in the beginning. This year I really feel the match engine is better than ever, BIG plus. The other two points however seems to be lacking, especially the newgen development. Very disappointing but I hope, as I hope every year, this can be fixed with a patch.
  8. Fidalgo. Bought for 1m at Fulham, sold to Saudi one year later for 60m 🥳
  9. Seriously? The crossing for full backs have been an issue for as long as I can remember, so tiresome to hear that yet AGAIN its an issue... Sort it out SI, please
  10. Spain = Ivan Argentina = Tomas Colombia = Jorge They are EVERYWHERE
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