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80 "There's no crying in baseball"

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  1. 100% this. If attributes don't matter then I don't see the point playing.
  2. I reckon they should have shown at least a screenshot. By the time some peoples imaginations have finished it will be a few levels above FIFA. Then they will show something in 2024 and instead of 'wow', it will be....that looks last gen / rough / PES 5 looked better.... Can't wait though. Long overdue an revamp and freshness.
  3. I am not sure what the answer would be, but I would love to see a more dynamic game world in general. If I go back to FM 20 so many players have progressed differently than the particular snapshot in time their CA and PA were captured in.
  4. Excellent OP, thank you for taking the time and sharing this with the community. in regards to the quoted - Have you seen if this has helped with player condition as your save progressed?
  5. I assume its impossible to set up 4 at the back, have a CB (Stones) move into midfield and attacking positions while in possession, whilst keeping a back three made up of LB, CB and RB. Out of all the variations Pep has used over the years to flood the midfield, his use of Stones over the last couple of months has been my favourite.
  6. Can't imagine SI will add him back in until Man Utd have held their investigation. It's easy enough to add him via the editor or from the Steam workshop, if you are so inclined.
  7. I did my usual: Take over Man Utd. Play around with the new headline features and see which ones actually make a meaningful difference to the game. Wait for the release of the in game editor. Nerf half the team as their attributes are usually much to high and start a new save with the day one patch. Play a few seasons. Usually win the treble / quad by the third season. Get bored. Swear that I am not going to buy the next edition. Skip through the next editions nauseating headline features YouTube video and shake my head about the lack of innovation. Swear again that I am not going to get the next edition. Buy the next edition on the same day the beta goes live. Take over Man Utd....
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