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FM Head Researchers
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Everything posted by aulit

  1. Hi, thanks for the information. This has now been corrected.
  2. Tagging @Ben Rosier. It's what I alluded to in the email. We are looking into this, @cyrmel.
  3. Just to give you some background, the Pontaise is set as a stadium for SLO in the Super and the Challenge League. However, should SLO get relegated to the Promotion League, they would return to the Samaranch, in-game.
  4. Yeah, seems like they're twins. At least judging from the pictures and their playing careers. They also have different football passports, so they're two different players.
  5. Thanks for this. We've corrected it.
  6. Hi, thanks for raising this. It looks like a bug to me. What do you think, @David Siddall?
  7. That one was indeed wrong. It's been corrected. Thanks for the report!
  8. Hey Davide, thanks again for your info. You will hopefully be delighted to hear that the Arena Sportiva Lugano has been created and will be introduced in early 2026 in FM24.
  9. Thanks for your help. This will be corrected for FM24.
  10. Hey Davide, thanks for your input. We will implement the stadium for FM24. Unfortunately, we cannot submit any changes for FM23 anymore. Are you a Lugano fan, by chance?
  11. Yes, those numbers are too high. But there's a reason for it. Swiss football is highly deficit in real life. However, in FM you can make a lot of money in a short time span easily. The main problem is that we can't display all expenses of clubs. So we use the stadium rent as an equalizer. I'm aware it's not ideal, but otherwise, you'd have 40+ million in the bank after just a few seasons, which is not realistic either. I hope you understand.
  12. This is a known issue and under review. Thanks for raising this.
  13. I cannot change this. Please raise the issue with the French research team.
  14. Thanks for reporting. We've terminated the link as it doesn't exist anymore. Its sole purpose was to reflect that they play a friendly from time to time.
  15. Hey, thanks for the report. When I enter this ID I get a stadium as a result. Could you please post both IDs of the players you believe to be duplicates?
  16. As we have no idea at this point, what the TV money will be, this was probably left out due to the circumstances. The format has since changed again, but we still don't know the distribution of TV money. We'll review it and look for a solution.
  17. That's done. Thanks for the report.
  18. Thanks for your answer and your understanding. We'll review the U18 B issue and the Italian issue is under review already. You tried to lowball me, didn't you? I'm after the big, fat FC Wil check haha.
  19. Thanks for these! - I was only able to find one Vasco Tritten in our database, although in one of my test saves, there were two as well. This needs investigating. - The Italian as second language is a know issue and is under review. - As far as I'm aware, players do progress and get playing time in the U21. I tested this with FC Basel and they did progress. They also had stats from these games. Might need some more testing. - The U18 B issue is known. There was no other way to make this work at the time. We will review this further. - As the game needs six letter names, those names appear to be wild indeed. Unfortunately, there I currently know no way around this. I'll raise the issue internally, but it won't be high priority.
  20. Believe me, I was VERY aware of this change. As soon as all the information is out we'll get to work on the change. This will take time to implement but it should work out for a future update.
  21. It is indeed not the case that people in Lucerne speak Italian. This is something that we need to investigate, as it also occurs in Basel. @Tom Elliott we've had this problem in FM22 as well, IIRC. The regions, cities etc. have their real languages set correctly, but the game still wants players in Swiss German parts to learn Italian.
  22. Thanks for reporting. This looks like it's set up correctly. SLO should be playing at the Pontaise when they are playing in the Super or Challenge League, while they are supposed to play at the Samaranch if they're in the lower divisions. Maybe I'm wrong with how it's set up. @Tom Elliott could you have a look at this?
  23. Yes, please. This would be very welcome!
  24. Thanks for reporting. In my save, in a different version than yours, it's all ok, as you can see in the screenshot. So I would assume that this didn't make it into Beta, but will be in the full release.
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