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Posts posted by Pretended

  1. Hello,

    Basically when opposing teams hug the byline (or a couple of meters close to it), my defensive shape becomes a mash of defenders piled up behind penalty spot, effectively leaving HUGE spaces beyond penalty spot and in/around the box for other players to latch onto.

    I don't see the same happening to me with AI - the defenders somewhat disperse more homogenously around the penalty box. See for yourselves in 1st and 2nd SSs how Juventus slotted their goal in (I am one man down there but that hardly changes when my team is fully up on the pitch):

    3rd, 4th and 5th screenshots are those of my tactic. I did the treble in my 1st season, including Conference League Cup and did the double in my 2nd. This is my 3rd season but somehow I am always plagued by this ugly menace.

    Please HALP!

    Thanks in advance.







  2. Been lingering on this for quite a while as I was holding onto my own assumptions but have decided that I needed the definitive answer.

    Does the team in the second screenshot have a smaller vertical size or what actually matters are the labels defining the sliders' positions, not where the sliders' positions are?

    And in junction to this, would you get a better pressing team in the second SS?

    Thanks in advance.

    FM SS1.png

    FM SS2.png

  3. On 2/26/2018 at 14:22, kingjericho said:

    With those roles and duties there's no way to make this a defensively solid tactic.

    You have nobody in the midfield worried about the defensive process. On top of that, you have an attacking mentality + very fluid, which means that even a player with a defensive duty is looking to attack.

    I'd say 8-6 should be your common scoreline :D 

    Well, the thing is, with Very Fluid, I get what I see in real life matches - A winger chasing a man in our first third with players making better backups in case the defender in front fails to deliver the tackle.

    I have switched the Duties of Wingers with Full Backs now which gets me more men in the midfield defensively as well as offering a second route of attack other than overlapping flankers. They watch out for chances of through balls now too.

  4. Hey guys,

    I am playing a 4-4-2 (Attacking, Very Fluid) with a Normal defensive line and width, Higher Tempo and Close Down Much More, Run At Defence, Exploit Flanks, Look For Underlap. The roles and duties are:

    • GK (Def)
    • FB (Su)
    • DefDC (Def)
    • DefDC (Def)
    • FB (Su)
    • W.Mid (Att)
    • CM (Su)
    • CM (Su)
    • W.Mid (Att)
    • AF (Att)
    • DLF (Su)

    I have Vitesse from Eredivisie and play in Europa League which got me facing Liverpool. The first match was about to be a huge success, but did not, as they came back tracking from 4 - 6 to beating me 8 - 6 thanks to a few individual mistakes as well. Yes, the match at Anfield concluded with a score of 8 - 6, no kidding.

    I also got beaten 0 - 2 at home. I am drawing up this tactic so I can put up a good fight against powerful teams with comparably weaker ones, so I am not okay with losing to Liverpool.

    I put in lots of on-target shots, no problem there but, I allow a lot too.

    That's why I wanted to have quick recycle of possession but I guess I still have work to do in defensive department.

    What would you suggest I tweak to reach a more sound defence? I know with the mentality and the intensity of the tactic opposition, attacks are bound to happen but I want to constrain them as best as possible without compensating from the onslaughting force of the team.

    I am aiming to emulate Bayern Munich of the second half against last week's CL match against Beşiktaş. They were constant owners of the ball. And whenever a flanker was ready to pass in or cross from byline there were almost always 5 guys looking to pick and bag it in.

  5. "Curtain comes down on Ligue 1" again and I get the ticket to Champions League.


    Stupid point losses against anti-tactic Angers, failing to win vs. Monaco at home equals to a title missed.

    Anyway, I am quite happy with the performance and I also should advise you to snap Abdulkarim Al-Qahtani for he is convertible to the kind of WBR this tactic makes better use of. At an "Awkward" level he made a total of 5 assists having arrived mid-season and one of those matches was where his low crosses caused the same guy to score two own goals.

    Also, one thing I have finally figured out about the kind of striker (DLF(a)) you need that plays best with the tactic:

    Go for one with nice physical attributes Acceleration, Agility, Balance need to be at least 13. Plus he needs to be aggressive enough to be able to surge forward as he picks the ball deep.

    About PPMs, "Plays with back to goal" is the one you should go for while making your purchase or training afterwards. If you can add "Plays one-twos" to that (I am a huge fan of that) he'll be making pass&move plays thanks to his Acc-Agi-Bal combination of attributes enabling him to twist and turn effectively.

    "Moves Into Channels" is also a nice bonus if you have the chance.

    With such a prospective figure in mind, I loaned Pape Sané from Caen freshly relegated to Ligue 2, who ended up breaking the almighty Djibril Cisse's record of most goals for Auxerre with a whopping number of 27 goals at the end of the season, coming second only to Alexander Lacazette (29 goals). He was transfer-listed and his profile was so low level that the loan contract had a 300k buyout clause while his value was 5.75M at the end of the season.

  6. There we go.



    Became the champions with 74 points which is Auxerre's highes points accumulated record as well as 22 wins replicating the highest wins in a season (I actually was on the brink of breaking that record as well until 81st minute of the last match).

    At last, after so many versions of FM, I could establish a tactic that is effective from the first season for average teams too and does not break with version changes (at least for now).

    Le cheers !


    P.S. League leaders in goals conceded and the second best after Ajaccio in those scored with one goal difference.

  7. On 3/3/2017 at 18:16, CBP87 said:

    Hey, loving the idea of this tactic and can see the results you're getting. I've read the entire post and your tactic seems to be the one getting the results. However any chance you can upload the file for download. I am copying the instructions from your SS but not going anyways, also i am confused as to the comments about the corner setup. is there a link to these? saying that though if you upload your tactic then the set piece setup should be there

    I will PM you a link of what I am using right now.


    Edit: By the way, ALL credit goes to fellow Mr. Mourinho for this tactic. I might have tinkered here and there, nothing significant.

  8. 9 minutes ago, MrMourinho said:

    Is this still your formation, roles and duties? I play the same but find it tougher in this second save. Especially having troubles with the big teams away. 

    Yes, still the same formation, still the same roles and duties.

    See my end of the season table, there is a huge "0" under "Lost" column. ^^



    I have signed a contract with Fiorentina before the end of the season. So I'll see how the tactic will fare in another team against far more competition.

  9. See my post-Defensive-Line-to-Slightly-Deeper performance in the SS attached.




    Conceded only once in the league after the change, still not lost once whole season. The other two goals came from Dortmund and they could only qualify on away goals while my team wasted no less than 3 one-on-one opportunities on their turf - simply, that's why I could not proceed further..

  10. 26 minutes ago, MrMourinho said:

    Are you playing with standard and flexible or control and fluid? 

    Standard, Flexible. Gives you more chance of knowing your limits and fewer risks of being outclassed being a minnow and all.


    Edit: Snatched 2 draws from Monaco and Atletico Madrid. Lost to Sporting Lisbon because of 2 set piece errors despite owning them heavily.

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