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64 "Houston, we have a problem"

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  1. Any news on column widths changing constantly, and some column sizes just changing as you drag, or switch between views, some columns fly off to the right, some disappear entirely. This has been happening for 15 years, and raised every single release, including this one. Every time it gets ignored. How can it be ignored this long? SI even closed the UI section of the bug reporting forums so you can't mention it any more there.
  2. Any updates on this for 2024? Has the process of being "Under Review" actually changed anything? Has anyone actually done a review and decided to fix it?
  3. I don't expect someone to put a time on it Michael, I expect someone to put their hand up and say "I'm going to fix this". I even gave the most simple fix proposal in last year's thread. Give me a tickbox in the settings, which can be on by default for those that really don't seem to care, which entirely disables the auto sizing function. I don't want any columns auto sized at any point in the game. I will define all of that myself. There you go, bug fixed. Only took 15+ years. And I have to agree with Sandy, just give us some acknowledgement that this is being looked at. Just tell us that it doesn't get logged in the tracker and the internal teams go "Haha, the morons logged that bug again, but we couldn't care less". Ask your managers to tell the development team to fix the bug. That is their job.
  4. Thanks Michael for the response, but none of that seems to address the fact that nothing has changed. How come this is still under review for such a long time? For so many versions, and yet here we are again with SI ignoring this issue entirely. I have given some solution options in the thread from last year, did the team try any of those? Address the issue and give us a straight answer. Will this ever be fixed, and do you care that this issue still exists?
  5. Hi Zach, friendly reminder that it would be really nice to get some sort of feedback on this bug which rears its head every single year without fail. Any thoughts from anyone at SI to even acknowledge that this is an issue, and that it will be addressed?
  6. Zach, this is something which has been raised for many years. It is frankly unbelievable that such a bug has remained with the development team unable or unwilling to do anything about it. Have any of the team ever added a column? In last year's thread about this exact issue, I promised that I would be back here to complain about this ridiculous bug, you promised to place it under review. One of us stuck with that promise. Here is my topic from last year's version: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/previous-versions/football-manager-2023-bugs-tracker/755_user-interface/column-widths-in-tables-again-and-for-the-15th-year-running-r9521/ And from FM 2022: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/previous-versions/football-manager-2022-bugs-forum/566_user-interface/column-widths-in-squad-view-r3773/ And from FM 2021: https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/539558-column-width-in-a-custom-squad-view-changes-on-its-own-constantly/ And from FM 2020: https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/486640-columns-in-squad-view/ And from FM 2019: https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/473731-interface-can-you-stop-the-team-squad-views-to-change-when-you-swap-between-them/ And from FM 2018: https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/425330-view-keeps-changing/ And from FM 2015: https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/353352-custom-views/ When will this get sorted?
  7. Problem still exists. Steps to reproduce. Open a player attribute screen Click the "Highlight" button in the Position section. Selected "Player's best position and role" Click "Highlight" button again -> The "Positions" pitch vis will update back to "position last played in" and the Highlight dropdown won't open. - this is bug 1 Click "Highlight" button again, it will open and you can see it is set back to "Position last played in" - this is bug 2
  8. Still doesn't work. Opened up Scouting -> Overview -> Sort recommendations by Rec column: You can see row 2 should not be between 1 and 3. Steam version of the game, fully up to date.
  9. Issue still exists. I'm not sending you a save because you don't need one. This is reproducible 100% of the time on my game, and yours. see screenshot from today attached.
  10. Honestly the fix is really simple. Give me a setting in Preferences, or on the squad screen, which turns off all auto-sizing. Let me manage my own column widths, no need for the game to calculate anything. I'm perfectly happy to take the time to set those widths up once if they will work for the future. That is a quick fix, and then you can work on the auto sizing issue in the background without making us, the people who pay to play the game, put up with this for the 15th year running.
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