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Federico last won the day on July 12 2021

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  1. I have to be honest and don't judge me a bad FM player: if they removed weight without any notification, I'm pretty sure I would have never noticed it.
  2. I myself play regurarly international football "on the way", once I won some silverware with the club, I love to have a stint with the NT just to resign after the tournaments (usually WC & ET) and look for another journey. To be honest I find this "5% cut" pretty much "a way" to get rid of the stuff they could not or not want to include anymore. As said previously I'd be curious to see how many people interact with PCs and how many delegate'em to the assistant, in example. I think they surely have good reasons to remove features, as much as I'm sure that if these reasons are "reasonable" the most of us would have understood, but in this case it just increased the speculation and some exaggeration in reactions from some users, not of a great benefit to the forum.
  3. It's not the delay - considering the huge change I'm more than happy to wait one month more to get a better product - but the continuous scrapping off of features that concerns me.
  4. Well that's not totally true. Many clubs see their grounds growing up by improving facilities and buildings. Many clubs have in their board the coaches themeselves (speaking of lowest tier leagues of course), ordinary people with passion for football and willing to help the community they live in. Gameish? Maybe. Unrealistic? not at all.
  5. My favourites are FM07, FM15 and FM21 and the last one got my vote. I can't enjoy FM24. I personally find is worsened in terms of finishing and defending, tons of woodwork and easy chances missed, poor decisioning all over the pitch and so on. I also never liked the physic of the ball, it's friction on the pitch and some weird ricochet. I hope FM25 will bring us freshness and enjoyment with the matchday experience.
  6. No I don't think so. I totally trust the SI devs, their skills and passion. They of course don't want to rush things as they always did. I hoped it was different this time, but I'm gonna wait patiently, as I always did.
  7. My point was that I was expecting more updates in the meantime considering that the release date is relatively close. FM25 is going to be revolutionary but my feelings are that this change is not treated as it should - or as I was expecting - at the moment in my opinion.
  8. Let's not forget how weather changes should affect the ME and the physics of the ball (bounces, friction, trajectories).
  9. To complete my post above, about FM25 we know what has been removed and not what has been added/renewed/improved. Reverse hype psychology. I don't get this.
  10. Honestly speaking, I was expecting a bit more updates considering the biggest change in the FM history and also considering what Miles said about it. It's almost September, beta will be probably rolled out in less than 1 month and at the moment all we know about FM25 is just a couple of screenshots quite similar to any other FM - graphically speaking. I don't know this is a 20 years long standing franchise and FM25 will be something that never happened before and we have such a few informations about it when there's so much hype to exploit, I mean I'm not expecting fireworks of course.
  11. I'm sorry I cannot help you with this, but would it be possible to ask the administrators to set a thread's title characters limit for the sake of reading? thanks in advance.
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