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purple haze 18

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Posts posted by purple haze 18

  1. Thanks for the quick replies Tiger666 and TheMattB81

    The last game I played was FM16 (only just stopped playing it in December), there had never been this issue in all the previous versions as far as I know.

    This surely is a huge bug that should warrant a HotFix update or whatever it is called. SI ???

    So all the time and thought put into my tactic has been a waste of time, as players are being pulled out of position at set-pieces.

    So I guess my choice is, 1) back to the drawing board with my tactic, to adapt it to compensate for players being pulled out of position or 2) back to FM16

    I really am shocked that the final update hasn't addressed this.


  2. As I always do I waited for the final update prior to commencing play.
    A few nights ago I played my first friendly of the season.
    After having spent a considerable amount of time setting up all my set-piece routines, I was alarmed at seeing my centre-back taking throw-ins, about 50% of the time on both flanks. He was not the designated throw-in taker or in the list of designated throw-in takers. He was also taking free-kicks when he had not been told too. He was going up for corners and free-kicks when he had been specifically told to stay back.

    I had a quick look on here to see if this was a known issue. I found a thread in the bugs forum https://community.sigames.com/topic/513408-throw-in/

    The last entry in that post was on Feb21 saying it was with the developers.

    I can only presume that no fix for this was included in the final update.

    Does anyone have any further info on this ? Are there any known workarounds ?

  3. Experienced player/lurker - every version played until 2016 which I was still playing in December just gone. Couldn't resist an overdue upgrade to FM20.

    Especially was looking forward to the Training, which I have been concentrating on and which leads me here with a few queries.

    In my quest to develop my own Training Scedules to fit my style of play/tactic

    I'm trying to understand how a Session breaks down...

    Firstly I am making a presumption that a session is either lasting 2 or 3 hours, doesn't really matter which, but stating the obvious, a Session must be a fixed length of time.

    So... Any given Module has a fixed length of time to work on the development of Attributes, Individual Roles, Tactical Familiarity or Upcoming Match or any combination of these. This then has an influence on Injury Risk/Condition/Fatigue/Sharpness/Happiness/Team Cohesion.

    Taking the General - Physical Module to start with...

    Goalkeepers, Defenders and Attackers all have 100% Focus on Attributes development. 10 Attr's for the GK and 9 Attr's for both the Defenders and the Attackers.

    If I presume a Session last 3 hours or 180 minutes, I can extrapolate that each of the 10 Attributes for the Goalkeeper has an allocation of 18 minutes and the 9 Attributes (Def and Att) get 20 minutes each.

    If it was a 2 hour session the 10 GK Attr's would be 12 mins each and the 9 Def/Att Attr's 13.33 mins each. The exact time spent on each Attribute isn't really important here, but the fact that within this Module 100% of the time goes to Attribute development.

    Now let's look at Match Preparation - Match Preview.

    Goalkeepers, Defenders and Attackers all have 100% Focus on all of the Tactical Familiarity elements - Mentality/Passing Style/Creative Freedom/Pressing Intensity/Marking/Tempo/Width/ PositionRoleDuty.

    A 3 hour session would give 22.5 mins to each or a 2 hour session 15 mins each. Again the emphasis being that the 100% of the allotted time goes to Tactical Familiarity training.

    Now looking at Attacking - Attacking Wings

    Goalkeepers get 20% Focus on developing  8 Attributes and 2 Tactical Familiarity elements Passing Style/Creative Freedom

    Defenders get 20% Focus on 5 developing Attr's and the same 2 Tactical Familiarity elements

    Attackers get 60% on developing 7 Attr's and the same 2 Tactical Familiarity elements... which could translate to

    180 minutes split 20/20/60 = 36 mins / 36 mins / 108 mins And splitting the time 50/50 between Attribute development and Tactical Familiarity giving...

    GK's 36 mins - split - 18 mins on 8 Atrributes = 2.25 mins on each Attribute... And 18 mins on Tactical Familiarity elements - 9 mins each on Passing Style and Creative Freedom

    Def's 36 mins - split - 18 mins on 5 Attributes = 3.6 mins on each Attribute... And 18 mins on Tactical Familiarity elements - 9 mins each on Passing Style and Creative Freedom

    Att's 108 mins - split - 54 mins 0n 7 Attributes = 7.71 mins on each Attribute... And 54 mins on Tactical Familiarity elements - 27 mins each on Passing Style and Creative Freedom


    So...After typing all that, my (probably first) question is... If a Module develops more than one of Attributes, Individual Roles, Tactical Familiarity or Upcoming Match are they weighted equally ? like in the Attacking Wings example.

    Any feedback on my interpretation greatly appreciated... Cheers

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