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MrPompey last won the day on November 8 2023

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846 "You're gonna need a bigger boat"



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    Portsmouth Researcher


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    Senior Test Manager for a Global IT company

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  1. There is an issue with goals from throw-ins that was never addressed
  2. How clubs work: They take loads of money at the start of the season with ticket sales, then over the next 12 months it depletes monthly as money is used for wages, scouting, transfer budgets etc
  3. With wage restrictions its worth getting a senior affiliate for player loans and income plus consider player loans in general to improve player standard. I believe there is a long standing issue with FM in that a clubs finances do not improve proportionally to a clubs rise up the football tiers
  4. As a Pompey fan starting at the beginning of the CM series to date then Ive had Pompey starting in game from all 4 leagues. Now we are back to Tier 2 where CM/FM started. It would be interesting to see the clubs in all 4 leagues when CM started!
  5. There are a few factors here, including how many active leagues you are playing. You can load as much as you want, the bit to work out is what speed of in game processing are you prepared to accept. Some people want instantaneous some dont mind delays. There may well be a thread somewhere on this that may give a better idea of processing times
  6. How are you set up tactically in the game? All teams in real life look to make a good start in the first 10 mins of each half. Should you sit back deep or are you looking to do the same as the opposition and get an early goal? Bit like 2 boxers looking for an early knock-out in round one
  7. Another option here is that as part of the original contract negotiation is to add in a club extension option. Ultimately if you aren't tying down the big players you want to keep then of course they'll be contacted by other clubs. Out of interest do you tell your current employer when you look / have another job offer. possibly only if you want to squeeze a raise out of your current employer?
  8. So the player is married, has children and a mortgage and is worried how to pay his bills when his contract runs out. Unless his current club makes clear indication that want to renew his contract then the player would surely want to consider contracts from other clubs. However if the player IS interested in staying then it would make sense inform the club he is contracted to currently to see if this prompts a renewal offer. If I was the player I would entertain potential offers and then wait until mid May when most clubs confirm their retained list. For a lot of clubs, especially tier 3 and 4 they may only ever give short contracts of 12 - 24 months. If you get a better offer in salary and also a decent contract term then you just plan to accept it without informing the club. Loyalty is a fickle commodity these days and for players I understand it, its a short career
  9. Thanks for the feedback but I can confirm that Shaun's official role is that of kitman, though is an excellent coach and contributes to the coaching. This is confirmed by my contact at the club. Additionally if you look at the club website he is also listed as kitman. We are now too late for any db changes for FM24 so I will see if his position changes over the summer. Im not opposed to listing him as a coach for FM25 subject to any possible changes
  10. I think the 2 Milans shared at one point irl. Easier for fans to travel to a stadium close by to watch their team if you are building a new one
  11. @Sunstrikuuu Haha, its so stupid its funny and the keeper looking the wrong way is hilarious. I think at this point Im going to stop raising issues as they just arent getting any attention - it feels like a waste of effort. This is been highlighted as an issue for a long time and yet no-one in SI has commented about this issue at all. Focus will now be on FM25, in fact it feels to me that FM24 was the poorest quality release for a long time even though the ME could have been the best
  12. I have to agree, bug feedback this year seems very poor and its not been good in the past. It wouldn't take a rocket scientist to identify aside from Jan window updates and any key issues that little fixing will happen now with focus on FM25
  13. My point here is that issue above with goalkeepers as out field players is a user created/generated specific issue that would not normally happen. The free kick marking issue is an ME generated problem and we do see a lot of free kicks in FM as well as real life Interestingly in the news recently we saw an injury laden team playing a reserve keeper as an outfield player who scored a goal
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