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13 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Thanks for the info. The Friends Only option is activated but they still managed to join. I have also set a password but looking at the options again now that the problem occured seems like that I have removed it. Anyway, it's back on again now that I've noticed!
  2. Found it myself! I relinquish control of the unknown managers (as I'm the host) and immediately retire! Only problem that Real and Barca are managerless... Close the topic!
  3. Hi all, I've been playing an online save with my best two friends. A save we've been playing since FM23 and we are now on our 18th year! We all started in England we added leagues on the way (I'm the admin by the way) and now we play in three different countries. England, Spain and Scotland. Yesterday, suddenly, two unknown persons joined our save and became the managers of Barcelona and Real Madrid respectively! They joined from EPIC and as soon as I realised what was going on I removed them! But they remain in the save as managers of these two great clubs although they don't manually manage them! Why has this happened? Is there any way I can remove them completely (not shown in the Game Status screen)? How they joined as I have set the preference that my friends on Steam only can join?
  4. So, changed the values to the correct ones (Average of lines 5-7). Still get the "something wrong" signal by excell but I guess this happens to you too. Right? Cause the averages for the other leagues are calculated elsewhere and are inserted in the spreadsheet manually?
  5. But look, if I select cell I33 (Acceleration on Italy 3avg) the formula says that is the average of cells (I30:I33, South Korea, Poland, Uruguay). Or am I seeing somethig wrong?
  6. Nice thanks! And what about those views and search filters! Will you share those! I know I can make them if you don't bother sharing...
  7. Thanks a lot! May I ask? What is the Average Value that is the hidden Column "C"? Why Italy 3 has the characteristic excel sign that something is different from the other data?
  8. I don't really have any thoughts cause you've blown me away really! Am I bored? Not at all!! I'm just loving all of this! Any thoughts on sharing those views and those excels?
  9. So, it will be compatible only to the just previous version?
  10. If I don't want to buy FM24 and I do buy FM25 will I be able to transfer my save from FM23 to FM25?
  11. Can't say I agree with that! FM is a game where I (can't say people or most here as I can't talk for everyone) invest large amounts of time to create (squad, tactics, youth etc.) and wait for evolution over time! I don't (can't talk for everyone here either) just want to win every game with a well working tactic! The process is more important for me!
  12. Test results (after changing width to narrow) in 4 games: AML (IW - S) Game 1: 7,8 - 1 goal Game 2: 6,8 - 0,15 xG Game 3: 8.0 - 2 assists Game 4: 7,3 - 1 goal AMR (IF - A) Game 1: 6,6 - 0,16 xG Game 2: 6,4 Game 3: 8,8 - 2 goals Game 4: 6,7 - 0,18 xG Result: Relatively satisfied but there is room for improvement...
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