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Issue Comments posted by ak71

  1. Hi, Zachary.

    Apologies as i don't have save file or PKM for this screenshot.  However, it seems that this is happening each time my team, Spurs, played at our home stadium.  

    I have a new screenshot which i'll be attaching together with it's save file (sorry, it says that file is too big to attach. So, i can't do it) and PKM.

    For your information, same thing happened in FM2022.  I've reported the matter, after which, it was okay.  Now, it's back to haunt me. :D



    cameraman positioning_2.PNG

    Tottenham v FC RB Salzburg_cameraman awkward position.pkm

  2. 2 hours ago, metal_guitarist said:

    Did some testing on this last night (Windows version of the Editor) and here are my findings. I used 3 files:

    • A SortitoutSI file containing created staff. This file was created in an earlier version of the game by someone else and imported into FM22's Editor - File A
    • My personal update file containing 1 created member of staff. This file was created with the FM22 Editor by me - File B.
    • Another file I created containing a number of created players. Again created with the FM22 Editor - File C

    All created staff and players are contracted to a club. 

    Test 1 - all the files loaded whilst creating a new game. Only the people in File A appeared in the game. 

    Test 2 - loaded each file individually one at a time creating new games. New game with only File A, then new game with only File B and then with only File C. Each time the people in the file appeared. 

    Test 3 - I merged File A and File C into File B in the Editor, will refer to the merged file as File D. There were no Unique ID clashes, all were assigned a UID in order. However, this is where it gets a bit weird. File D was the only file loaded. The first time I created a game, only the people that originated in File A appeared. I opened the file in the Editor again and had a look around to check it had merged properly. Everyone was in there and there were no ID clashes. I created another game, the people who orginated in File A and File B appeared but the people who originated in File C did not. I was unable to get those people to load at all, despite File C being in perfectly working order when loaded on it's own. 


    Hi, metal_guitarist.

    You are spot on in detecting the issue and how to resolve it. After all, for my case, it's all due to the clash in created player's ID. After merging of players' data file, it's working like a charm now.

    Thanks, mate. Really appreciate. 👍🏽 

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