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19 "You're a bum, Rock"


  • Biography
    I'm a 74 year old former British soldier, married with two sons and one granddaughter. I live in Lincolnshire in the Town I was born and bred in.


  • Interests
    Computer gaming, mainly MMO's

Favourite Team

  • Favourite Team
    Grimsby Town

Currently Managing

  • Currently Managing
    Grimsby Town

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  1. "I would suggest continuing to tinker with different settings in-game, on your PC and Monitor to see if you can find a good balance." This is not an acceptable reply to a customer who has paid for a game that does not work as intended. It is up to the developers to fix the problem, not tell customers to fix it themselves.
  2. Why, after all these years, has the stuttering in the match Engine not been fixed? I think it's a fair question that should have been resolved by now!
  3. I'm guessing that to have players with all those attributes at a level you suggest would probably require millions of pounds invested to buy them.
  4. Ahh, so I have to wait till he retires, thank you.
  5. How do I enable a player from my team to become a Staff member?
  6. Did that but it didn't work. This is for the latest game update right?
  7. It keeps saying something like 'this database needs to be tested and verified in editor'. I have no idea what that means or how to do it. Evidently it is verified with 23.0.0 and 23.3.0.
  8. Thanks very much, but where do I put that file?
  9. I would like to manage my home town team but they play in the Northern Counties East League Premier Division. Is it possible for me to be able to do this, and if so, how do I go about it?
  10. I support Grimsby Town in League Two of the EFL. This week they announced a long term partnership with Twenty First Group, the London based global leaders in bespoke sports intelligence. https://gtfc.co.uk/club-statement-the-club-takes-further-steps-to-improve-sporting-and-commercial-performance/ https://www.twentyfirstgroup.com/tfg-grimsby-town-fc/ Is this something that we might see in the future in the Football Manager game? I see that probably posting this information here is possibly the wrong place, but I don't know where else to post it so that those who decide what goes into the game can be contacted. Is it possuible for this to be passed on to those who make these decisions, or can someone point me to where I should post/send this? Thank you.
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