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10 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. The scouting spending is minimal - £1708 per month. That I can deal with and your correct probably should of turned this off when I was happy with squad size. Its the massive £30,000+ payments between Feb & April I cant pinpoint where the spending has gone.
  2. Hey Folks! So I hoped on the band wagon and have been working my way towards the end of season 1. I've won the league, recently turned Semi Professional and have been given my wage budget for S2. However in the last 2 months I've seen 2 HEAVY expenditure months but cant track the source of my now black hole - it states other but thats it!! If anyone has any advise why this could of happened or if has happened on your saves let me know. As for scouting budgets, if anyone asks im still running Tier 11 so its only costing me around £2,000 per month. Thanks!
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