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Posts posted by thundercracker

  1. I have a similar issue in my current save with a created nation.  I submitted the issue in the bugs section earlier tonight and will see if we get a response.  

    I am the most successful club in the nation and before competing in Europe for the first time a few seasons ago my club reputation was in the 2100-2200 range.  Now during my first season in the Champions League group stages with 7 points with wins against Juventus and Feyenoord, and a draw was AZ, 3 seasons of making the Europa League Round of 16 and a Conference League play off round, the reputation has dropped to 691.  

    My league has been climbing in the competition rankings dur to my success, yet my club reputation is in the toilet, does make me think that there is a bug where smaller nations clubs are having the reputation points for success in Europe someone being applied as negative rather as positive.  It maybe all clubs, but my small ranked nation, along with your San Marino save are noticing the reputation decreases a lot more.  

    I have been using this file for years on FM, with tweaks every game, but this is the first time where this has happened.

    Edit:  Should have included the top clubs as well, so show that they are national rep, where I once was.  


  2. Sorry to bump a dead thread, but I have suddenly has a bizarre issue pop up in a previously verified file, that I can't fathom a work around for yet.  I have no idea why suddenly FM24 is hating my created nations under 23's league, but all dates that I can see have always been set at 2000, so I have no idea why I can't verify this database due to an issue with the under 23's.


    Does anyone have any suggestions?



  3. Hello.  I tried searching for the answer here and on google, but I didn't find the relevant information, so I apologise if this is posted in the wrong place.  

    Is there certain criteria you must meet get a clubs stadium named after you in FM23?

    I thought I was about to have a stadium named after me for only the second time ever in FM, but when the new stadium was announced it was the generic club name stadium, in this custom nation save Funtingdon Starlight Stadium.  

    I have been the only club legend for a couple of years now and took the team from the lowest division to the top and just won the Europa Conference League, so was very surprised that the stadium wasn't names after me.  Do you have to be with the club for a certain period of time, as I am only at 9 years and 144 days?  

    I had a similar issue a few years ago on a game where myself and 2 players were club legends, yet I was never selected for the new stadium.  I did try reloading a few times on that save but the two players would always be selected, yet never once was I.  I stopped playing that version after that frustration.

    Any insight would be appreciated.  Thanks.



    FM23 Stadium.jpg

    Fm23 Tenure.jpg

    fm23 legend.png

  4. I am still running some tests, but so far the best work around I have found is to change Kazakhstan's (or what ever European nation you have selected to remove)  continent to Oceania and also remove their FIFA membership.  From the quick tests I have done so far this stops Kazakhstan from entering Oceania international competitions, and they just play friendlies.  The Oceania Champions League seems to be hard coded so no Kazakhstan teams have entered those.

    If you leave the FFA membership ticked, Kazakhstan do enter the Oceania Nations Cup, World Cup Qualifying and the Pacific Games.  

    I did try to move Kazakhstan to Asia and an Asian nations that are close to Oceania, but every time I had the issue with the Under 20 qualifying as above.  I even tried keeping Kazakhstan in UEFA and due to proximity move Israel to Africa, but that also caused issues with qualifying.  

    It's not an ideal situation, but this is the best work around to the update I have found.  

    My custom nations files are merged with the 'Custom nation is Europe (cis)' file, so this is why I need a work around, as I can't get my nation verified without errors.  Even trying to remove the fixes just leads to other issues with other competitions.  

  5. Hello.  I came looking to see if there was a fix to this issue as I noticed a location mess up on my custom nation database, but I can't verify the file due to the extra team in the Asian World Cup Qualifying.  

    I understand that you don't want a Nation missing out, and setting an Asian nation to no continent does cause other issues with Asian national competitions.  But has anyone managed to create a work around that will allow a custom European nation file to verify that removed a minnow of Asian from competing in national competitions without heavy editing to other competitions, such as this screen shot from when I tried to remove Northern Mariana Islands?



    On 09/05/2023 at 16:49, nasaiain said:

    You could say my title is a bit misleading, the file DOES work, but its DOES NOT work correctly.

    Kazakhstan get moved over, and a new nation plays in Europe no problem. But it results in a random Asian team missing out in the World Cup and Asia Cup Qualifiers because it is drawing 22 teams out of a pool of now 23 in round 1. This was what i was always trying to avoid, I didn't want nation being left out


  6. Thanks.  This did help fix an issue I was having.  My created nation database was working fine with the default database, but when I tried to fix some issues in preparation for FM23 I was having issues with Euro Championship qualifying having no teams, that your file has fixed.

    The one issue I am now having that I know there is a fix for, but it has been so long since I have done it, is that due to my nation uses C.I.S and yours uses Ireland pre 1922, even after swapping the teams about so my nation is is the World Cup, Euros and Nation League is that Ireland pre 1922 is still showing up as an active  nation.  I need to remember how to change the continent back to nothing.

    Edit:  Found an old guide on how to activate continent with the resource archiver.

  7. What year did you set for your club being formed?  When I last tried to add teams lower down in England many years ago there was a rule where your club had to exist for 3 or 5 years before you could play in the FA cup.  I don't know if that is stll the case in the game,   if you have it set to 2020 or another recent year, try to make your club a decade or more older and see if that works.

    Edit:  Ignore that.  I quickly threw a newly created club into the Premier league also replacing Fulham with the Year Founded as 2020 and that team is available to select.   Also they do play in all competions. 


  8. Did you remove a team from the UEFA Nations Leaugue?  The competiton will be hardcoded and not as felxible as the World Cup.  So you will need to remove a European nation from the registered teams using advanced files of the UEFA Nations League,  You can't just add your team to the competion and not change things.  

    Each nation has a ranking number for the Nations League as below, so you need to make sure that you have a default number of teams with 'info' at 14, four at 13 etc.  AS I had issues previously I just left my created nation in Kazahstan's place of 12 when ideally I want my new nation as a 14.

    I have inlcuded my working fictional nations file incase you need to see what I have done in the editor in more detail.



    Free Republic of Freeland.fmf

  9. Sorry i haven't logged in for a while as I managed to get my database working and updated. 

    I used this tutorail to fix the UEFA Nations League and swap my nation for Kazakhstan. 


    This is my steam database here is you want to see what I done.  https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2388274320

  10. I have since seen that, but as I have already done a lot of work on modding my database in the FM21 editor already, I may as wlel just continue changing the kits manually.  Though it is taking longer than i thought as the editior is running slow.

    Though I have just come back from running a game on holiday all day, and foudn the for some reason the UEFA Nations League ran for the 2022 and 2024 competitions then hasn't been played since.  As you cna see from the screenshot below I am now in the 2044 season.  I had a skim but didn't see any known issues with this in the bugs forum.  I am just about to start another game test to see if this was a one off or not.




    It also seems that the European Championship Qualifiers that are supposed to be set up in November 2022 for a 2023 start date don't get scheduled.  I am not having much luck tying to get this sorted so far.

  11. I found this thread that has helped past the validation error when I mearged the ECQ.XNL file with my FM20 database.  Now to run some ingame tests and to see if Freeland will replace Isreal in International competations as they previously did.


    Edit : Okay all my created teams howm and away kits have failed to transfer over, but that shouldn't take too long to fix an dshoudl allow for osme creative input.

  12. Hello.

    I just received FM21 today and I am currently trying to Improt my FM20 files for my created nation of Freeland that replaced the CIS into FM21's editor, but I am having an constant error message of "ERROR IN NATION RULES: European Championship Qualifying, number of teams in competition (0) does not match expected number o fteams from rankings (54).

    To get the nation to enter International compeitions I did have to alter the registered teams for the Euro Qualifying, but even when I clear these, save close then reopen the editor I am still getting the same error message. 

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this, or wIll I need to create the entire database from scratch?






    Freeland FM21 1.0.fmf

  13. After numerous tests and tweaks to the file I received from @TheGoodRebel, my game kept crashing in December 2019, which i finally just managed to get past.  My nation is now playing in both the International League and World Cup qualifiers, but for some reason Euro Championship qualifying still isn't happening.  It seems I need to play about more to get this working.

    Edit:  Never mind.  I am back to everything crashing on 1st December 2019. I have even tried reinstalling Fm and the editor, but it still doesn't want to get past this date.   

  14. Did you manage to find away to resolve this issue?  I am having a similar problem of my created Nation only playing in the World Cup qualifiers, but the nation i replaced, in this case Israel, keeps playing in the nations League.   I didn't notice until reading this thread that Euro Championship qualifying wasn't played in my game either, yet the tournaments were played in 2020.2024, 2028 and 2032.  

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