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Posts posted by crazyanimals

  1. 1 hour ago, Crazy_Ivan said:

    Awesome, thanks for that. :thup:

    Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2022\skins\fm2022flutskin_dark_no_attributes\settings

    this is the path for the xml to edit and the image shows where inside the xml to edit

    hope this helps



  2. 2 hours ago, Crazy_Ivan said:

    Have to say as a player who loves playing without attributes this is brilliant, matches a great skin with the challenge of playing minus attributes. One question, how do I change the colours and attributes range because I am unable to do it from the the usual preferences please?




    Thanks mate, all the hard work goes to Flut for designing the skin. 
    You have to edit the coding in the Flut skin settings xml file. Find the attributes section and change using r g b scale

  3. I have just sent over to Flut a no attribute version of his skin. It’s available/will be available on sortitoutsi and fmscout sites. 

    link for sortitoutsi is


    if you’re looking for another way to enhance the game to be more like real life then definitely go check it out. 

    enjoy and happy new year to all!!

  4. 6 minutes ago, sebastian_starttrbts said:

    I did not mean to say that I felt disrespected in any way. It is great to see you enjoying StarAttributes that much, but concerning the change in background and opacity %, I did not feel like I am the right person to ask, since I did not edit anything in the client object browser.xml. But I understand that it may have seemed like I did, because the file was in there, so sorry for that. But it was just part of the skin-folder I extracted via the Resource Archiver without editing it at any time. I did not mean to be rude, I just thought by opening an own thread you'll may find someone more experienced to help you with the background and opacity-issue.

    I'll try to explain my thoughts concerning the merging of my skin with another one: Of course anybody can use StarAttributes and try to include them in any other skin for his personal use. But like I said, I personally do not have any plans on releasing a merged version of this at the moment, since I am still in the process of evaluating, whether there might be room for potential improvements in the concept and/or the graphical representation of the skin. And we'll discovered again with the "1's-issue" for example that a merging process might become like creating a whole new skin, needing a lot of trial and error, I do not have the time for at the moment (again). That's why I tried to describe the process I ran through while creating this skin, hoping it will help you. 

    I fully appreciate that, I have managed to merge the skin with everything minus the “1”s. 
    I’ll definitely take that. 
    it has made fm incredible now in my eyes. 

    thank you so much for all your time and help on it all. 

  5. Yeah that’s the set piece section. I’ll take a look in a minute and get back to you. 
    I think I’ve done something wrong because when I last did this for Flut skin 9.0 it worked in players and staff. But this time I’m still seeing numbers on staff profile page and also when you go into staff team page and change the drop down box from contact to either mental or physical attributes. I still see numbers there. 
    would all this be because of the person properties xml file?

    Thank you so so much for taking your time to help and advise. 

  6. 3 hours ago, sebastian_starttrbts said:

    For now, there are no plans on doing a collaboration with another skin. Of course there might be some "graphical adjustments" in the future, but at the moment I am focussing on my first real FM21-save, trying to identify any potential room for improvement in this attribute-less concept. Until the last update, I only "enjoyed" FM21 while simulating my save to create StarAttributes. 

    In the creation process I decided to stay as close to the default skin as possible and tried to integrate some additions I considered useful for this playing-style, like the graphical representation on the player profile for example. Backgrounds, stadium pictures etc. on the other hand are more or less some kind of personal preferences or a "nice to have", but in my opinion they don't really contribute to the attribute-less experience. In addition, we should always be aware that (almost) all skin editors aren't full-time professionals, doing this for a living and therefore simply do not have the time to start serving any kind of personal preferences. I feel like the effort of merging two totally different skins could be compared to the effort of creating a whole new skin from scratch with lots of trial and error. So I hope you'll be able to relate to my thoughts.

    Of course I fully understand where you are coming from. 
    I shall just continue to try merge the two creations the best I can. 
    Enjoy your save and once again thank you for your stars attribute idea. It is soooo much better than seeing precise numbers. 

  7. 11 hours ago, Fritzle_1893 said:

    I'm glad to hear that you enjoy StarAttributes :)

    The "problem" with skins using a different type of layout is the positioning of the attribute values. I had to play around with these values to put them in the right place in the default skin, but when there is a different layout, these positions aren't the same anymore so the stars might be hidden by other panels. Most of the attribute values are controlled by the person properties.xml, but for the human profile, as well as the player profiles you'll need to edit the respective xml-file.

    And if there's any interest in including my stars in another "released" skin, I'd prefer to talk the editor himself. 


    To completely remove the attributes you'll only need to delete the graphics/boxes/custom/attributes-folder, I guess. 


    At the moment I haven't discovered any attribute-issues left, so further updates will only cover graphical adjustments. But for now there is no progress worth another release, so it'll take some time I guess (unless there's something left I'll have to fix).

    Thank you so much for your response. I could show you some screenshots and you could perhaps tell me if there’s anything hidden? 
    Everything looks to work perfectly but my eyes are getting old and tired now haha

    huge thanks once again for these stars. They are fantastic 

  8. I just wanted to say a huge thank you for these star attributes. It really helps make the game much more realistic. I hate the numbered attribute layout. So huge thanks. 
    I have managed to merge it into the Flut skin with success in most areas of the game. Couple of exceptions are on player profile screen I cannot get it to work on either attributes with and without boxes. Also my manger profile screen. But so far the rest of the game it is working superbly. 
    I have regular contact with the designer of the Flut skin and I have told him I’ve got it to work. Hopefully without any issues. So far so good. 
    If he wants to release it with these stars. Would that be ok? There’s a good chance he might not as I’ve not got to work on every attribute area. But I thought I’d ask just in case he does. 

  9. Can anyone please tell me where this has disappeared to?


    how on earth can you have a chat with a player if you can’t see what you may have previously said to the player in question?

    If this has been removed can we know why? It was an incredibly helpful tool to have!

    please correct this issue or fm may become pointless 

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