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Posts posted by iciomn

  1. Sorry to write this but yr idea of Sacchi's Milan has a big error. That Milan was like a 'swiss clock' with full of schemes and with no space for improvisation or high creativity. Every players had a duty and all worked with schemes trained more and more times in training sessions. You can trust me...i saw that fantastic team many times in San Siro (including that wonderful match Milan - Real Madrid 5-0). Further in defense it was a 4-4-2 team but in attack it becomes a sort of diamond formation. Donadoni was a right midfielder that in attack went also in center between midfield and attack lines; Colombo was a dm that in some times moved to right flank using the space opened by Donadoni for a bad surprise for the defenders. Ancelotti and Rijkard were defend playmaker. At left side played Evani like a real wing. In attack Gullit acted like a forward all over the pitch and Van Basten like an attacker near penalty's area. The team played high on the pitch, with extreme use of offside trap, compact and all the players moved with coordination with a very little space for improvisations. It could appear like an offensive team but instead it was a good balanced shape based on a good acted defense shape.


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