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Posts posted by Iboshow

  1. On 18/07/2021 at 23:17, perpetua said:

    The issue has more to do with the fact that our FA has come up with squad rules that a very small proportion of fans or clubs support.

    When it comes to FM, there is hope from these same fans that we ignore the FA and put in different rules that are more palatable.

    As I have written before in this thread, for FM we'll try to reflect whatever the FA has announced to the best of our ability.  If we attempt to come up with our own rules, rather than use the FA's rules, there will certainly be people who don't agree with how we have done it and we will hear from them.  Luckily, the game comes with an editor and it is possible to edit the competition with different rules. 

    If people want to see us reflect different rules in the game, they need to change the FA's mind.


    I found another pdf that says the rules are as follows and the file starts from next season onwards while the link you provided looks to be from last year. https://www.tff.org/default.aspx?pageID=133


    35 players maximum registered

    Minimum 14 players eligible for the Turkish National team (excluding those that chose another nation team before June 15 2015)

    4 players under 25 trained by club between 15-21 at least 1 season

    2 players under 25 trained by nation between 15-21 at least 1 season (excluding the above)

    Maximum 3 keepers

    Not abiding by the rules above, clubs will have to register less players.

    Players who have chosen another national team after being registered will be considered a foreign player next transfer window.


    Match Squad rules
    1 player under 22 in the match squad trained by club between 15-21

    1 player under 22 in the match squad trained by nation between 15-21 (excluding the above)

    1 Turkish Keeper in the match squad

    8 foreign players in the 11 with all 14 can be present in the match squad.

    Also, the top 5 clubs that have the most minutes for Turkish players will be rewarded as followed and Turkish players under 21 are multiplied by 1.50:

    1. 5,000,000 TL

    2. 4,000,000 TL

    3. 3,000,000 TL

    4. 2,000,000 TL

    5. 1,000,000 TL

  2. @perpetua

    Question regarding Galatasaray training facilities. Why are Galatasaray training facilities an 8? I understand why their youth facilities are low as they can't seem to elevate their youths into first team players after another great generation. Why are training facilities and youth recruitment low, can you please explain? I can't seem to improve players. Taylan is on 125, Marcao and Luyindama are on 135 and have trouble getting other players to improve to their levels. I played Ogulcan around 40 matches in all competitions and he scored 18 times and was my second goalscorer but his CA never improved the entire year. Same goes for Bartug. I've played him in rotation for years and after 4 years I got him to 115 CA.

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