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99 "There's no crying in baseball"



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    Liechtenstein Assistant Researcher

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  1. Yes, the Liechtenstein Cup is all combined in the one file for 24.4
  2. It is that version that is updated for 24.4
  3. This database partially does but for half of the OFV region only (with a couple of compromises to reality) : It would be a huge task to set up for all regions to the 5th level as not all teams are active in the original database (even at the 3rd level) Besides I made the decision only to do the OFV region for gameplay reasons (1. Processing will be slow as would add 100+ divisions 2. Most teams would have no/few real players)
  4. Here is an updated file that works with the latest database, tested to 2031 with no issues. (A few minor fixes also applied relating to competition rules) Recommended to load with the file that puts the Liechtenstein youth teams back in the U19/u18 European competitions, also re-validating against 24.3/24.4 Liechtenstein in Euro U19U18.fmf Swi OFV 24.4.fmf
  5. If anyone knows how to merge the two files into one and can send it back to me, we could be in business swi_lie_cup_24_3.fmf Swiss OFV FM24.3.fmf
  6. thanks to @cleiria for extracting the 24.3 Liechtenstein Cup rules I have found the problem- the new settings are looking for the participating teams in the Swiss Lower League, and they are not there in my database file because they have been moved to the OFV league. Fixing it is another thing- I can edit the Liechtenstein Cup rules in a standalone file, but I don't know how to edit them within my overall database (There is some level of hard-coded with the Liechtenstein Cup that makes it not fully visible in the Swiss rules- possibly because the rules are for a different nation in terms of continental cup qualification etc.- yet they are still in the list of competitions under Switzerland) I have tried converting to XML and pasting the Cup rules from the standalone file into my database file but I am getting a parsing error when loaded- this might be because I have pasted them in the wrong place or might be because the hard-coding makes it impossible - anyone with advanced knowledge of the editor who can point me in the right direction would be welcome, otherwise might not be able to get this working for the update unfortunately...
  7. I tried, but the Liechtenstein Cup settings have been changed in the 24.3 update causing the validation error somehow- These are not visible in the standard Switzerland Advanced Rules so cannot see what the problem is. It is not clear why it does not work because the 24.3 rules are the same as "Liec Cup Update " file in the first post which works fine with the 24.0 database (i.e. all the Liechtenstein teams for the Cup are in the database so it should work- must be a hidden setting in the 24.3 rules causing the conflict)
  8. Hello, I am not sure why you (and others who have been direct messaging me- would prefer people asked in this thread btw in future, so the same question does not need to be answered multiple times, thanks) cannot find the files, they are there in the first post in this thread and have been there continuously since Nov 25 as far as I am aware
  9. It's not- but not to worry, it is possible to play this one with FM 24:
  10. Unless you've got a conflicting file, probably you didn't select the divisions to be down to tier 7 when you started the game. It defaults to Challenge League and above, you need to select the level you want to go down to before starting a new game.
  11. @cleiria Do you know how to extract other competition rules that aren't normally extractable? I'm thinking in particular of the U19/U21 European qualifiers (as want to add Liechtenstein U19 back in as they are entered in the current cycle in real life & possibly* remove Liechtenstein U21 who aren't. * if I can add them back to the next cycle, as not great for playability if they never enter seasons into the game) Many thanks EDIT: Don't worry, searched the internet and found out how to do it from an unofficial FM site
  12. Thanks for testing this works, but normal etiquette to ask original creators before you upload files made by others- I don't particularly mind, but others might for future reference- cheers
  13. Okay, additional file now added to the original post for correct Liechtenstein Cup format (thanks again @cleiria for default file) Have also added to the original post a (now working- thanks @themodelcitizen) file that allows the Liechtenstein teams to be champions
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