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Posts posted by divij13

  1. I would use him as the AP (A) in your system. His exceptional dribbling and passing will be best utilised in that role in my opinion. He’s not the fastest, but his technique and passing should help him overcome that in difficult situations.

    His Traits (Come Deep for Ball + Get into Opposition  Area) will allow him a range of vertical movement to evade any markers. Also he has great off the ball attributes to help him find pockets of space to be dangerous in. 

    It would help if the other two midfielders in the team are solid defensively and can carry him in that regard.

    Fabregas (Maybe Ozil in his younger days) is an apt reference for someone like this. I would probably try to get him to learn to ‘pass instead of shoot’ as a PPM to offset his finishing which is nowhere near his passing.

  2. On 30/06/2021 at 21:40, wazzaflow10 said:

    Its not so much crossing more. They cross plenty. It's they don't seem to want to cross until they're closed down and happy to just take the corner kick. Do we accept that's a known "bug" or is there something more that can be done about it? Its rather frustrating to watch all the attacking moves get snuffed out like this. 

    Try removing ‘Shorter Passing’ TI.

    If you still find that your wide players are hesitant to cross, try bumping the mentality up to Positive. 

  3. On 04/01/2020 at 21:44, Rashidi said:

    Not a discussion forum, if you feel that his performances do not merit the rating, which could very be true, please upload pkms. Ideally we would need quite a few games to show there is something consistently off with ratings. On another note, if the defence is doing a very good job and the keeper is not having any saves or very few saves to make then his rating could be low as he was never tested. It would be good to see what the ratings of the backline were and what the stats were in that specific game you are alluding to.

    So after diving deeper into the reason for his ratings, I think the issue lies in games where the keeper is not being tested at all. If he has 0 or 1 save to make, then the ratings seem to suffer for no real fault of theirs.

    Attached are screenshots from 2 such games. In both, the opposition shows no intent to attack me and the GK ends up with a 6.7 rating as a result. He hasn’t made any mistakes and has completed all of his passes. If they have to make 2 saves then the rating creeps up to 6.8

    I think the issue is made worse by the ratings for players turning green after 7 which in turn implies that the GK is indeed being penalized for something out of his control. The rest of the defense don’t suffer as much in these games because they do end up making atleast 1 key tackle / header / pass which brings them up to 6.9. But Goalkeepers don’t usually do that so their ratings stay at 6.7 which feels a bit harsh to me. 6.9 is understandable because the performance is unremarkable. 

    PKMs for these 2 games attached.





    Milan v Cagliari.pkm Milan v Verona.pkm

  4. 1 hour ago, Svenc said:

    Ideally it should depend on the difficulties of the save, rather than the volumes. Else, you'd have all the Bottom third of the table keepers on a bias; plus all Teams playing defensive football. Because, quite a few times your own Team too doesn't concede many shots by performance, but rather by a pick in your opposition tactics, who may be Content with a draw, or not getting trashed. (That's what's happened at Bayern every other week during Guardiola's reign there). 

    In particular on FM; I don't agree with the vice versa propositon: That a keeper making a dozen shots had necessarily much difficulties making those, as rather easy to save shots are too easy to come by. This will continue for as long as this is the case. 

    Agreed that quality of saves should decide the rating. But since that seems difficult, how about goalkeepers being rewarded the same as defenders for a clean sheet, if that is actually the case? 

    I must admit, a lot of this stems from my OCD of trying to have all the players in the squad get an average rating of over 7 over the course of the season :D

    No matter how good of a season my GK has, I can barely ever get his Avg Rating to go above 7 which seems odd.


  5. 12 minutes ago, LucasBR said:

    To be honest I don't think a keeper deserve a good rating just because he had a clean sheet. Maybe the defence did a better job and the keeper just saved 1 or 2 shot.

    Hmm, interesting point that I would like to offer a counter argument for. 

    The GK is an integral part of the Defensive Unit even when not making saves. His communication with the defense / building play from the back deserve to be rewarded if the team is not conceding goals. Especially if the rest of the defense gets a boost in ratings for the Clean Sheet but not the GK. 

    Because my team has most of the ball in the game, he normally does not need to make more than 6 saves in a game. But when he needs to, he'll make that crucial save to keep the Clean Sheet intact. IMO, I don't think he should be penalized for not having Saves to make. He's doing everything right when called upon.

  6. 5 hours ago, Experienced Defender said:

    Okay, but 4231 and 4411 are 2 different formations.

    Well, they are kind of. But the 4411 can very easily look like a 4231 using roles, duties and TIs.  And vice-versa.

    Even in real life, I sometimes have trouble figuring out the difference between the two when watching games. 

    A bit like the 41212 and the 4312. But hey, that's just me :)



  7. Not sure where to post this but I feel Goalkeeper Ratings aren't accurate.

    My GK has kept 25 clean sheets and conceded 13 in 35 league games yet only has an Avg rating of 6.93

    Shouldn't Clean Sheets be rewarded when rating the GK?

    It seems that Goalkeepers get good ratings when they make 6 or more saves in a game but not a very good rating if they make 5 saves and keep a clean sheet.


  8. Not sure where to post this but I feel Goalkeeper Ratings aren't accurate.

    My GK has kept 25 clean sheets and conceded 13 in 35 league games yet only has an Avg rating of 6.93

    Shouldn't Clean Sheets be rewarded when rating the GK?

    It seems that Goalkeepers get good ratings when they make 6 or more saves in a game but not a very good rating if they make 5 saves and keep a clean sheet.



  9. Agree with @Experienced Defender on the formation for the last match as well as the one Liverpool played against Wolves. 

    It seems to me that they line up in a 4411 in games against teams that use a back 5.

    Klopp had switched to this against United when they were down and Lallana (Playing RM) got the equalizer with a tap in at the back post after a cross.

    If I were to try and replicate Liverpool in their last game on FM, for me it would be:

                                                    SKa (Allison)

    CWBs (Trent)  CD (Gomez)  BPD (Van Dijk)  WBs (Robertson)

    WMs (Milner)  CAR (Henderson)  MEZ (Wijnaldum)  WMa (Mane)

                                              AMs (Firminho)

                                               AF (Salah)

  10. I've recently had the same issue playing on Macbook Pro Early 2015.

    Reached the Cup Quarter Final managing Milan in 2023, only for the game against Fiorentina to get stuck when it reached Penalties. Another strange thing that happened in this game was that I made a triple substitution after the whistle at 90 mins, but the changes did not get made during Extra Time. I couldn't get to the Tactics screen or make the Subs again. 

    I reloaded and played the game again, this time made subs during the 90 mins which worked okay. The match went to Penalties again but this time the ME did not freeze. Maybe it has something to do with making substitutions during Extra Time?

  11. Have just started on FM20, the game does feel laggy on my early 2015 Macbook Pro, hope there is some optimization done for release.

    Enjoying what I'm seeing so far with the latest ME but have only played about 5 games or so. Things do look very promising though, really liking the little interplay b/w players on the ball now. 

    Been reading about no through balls and 1v1s on this forum. Admittedly I haven't played much but this was nice :)




  12. Spent a little more than 100 hours on FM19, I'm very impressed with the MLS experience on FM2019 and have to give a big pat on the back to SI for getting this bang on.

    Training is a lot more fun now! Fantastic job with the new training module and how that has added a new layer of immersion into the sim. Love the addition of Training ratings. 

    I also really like the new tactics module and getting the team to play the way you want seems easier. The UI seems more intuitive than previous versions and a far cry from the days of sliders. One slight negative for me is the number of team instructions they have on by default on each tactical style. I don't complicate things and use any style, but it seems to me like new users might be overwhelmed by all the TI's on by default. 

    For the downside, The ME is not in the best shape. The fact that forward strata players (SC / AMLR / MLR) have the exact same movement regardless of their roles once they advance far enough is a real problem. The front line will basically stick themselves to the opposing defenders in the final phase of attacking play when the ball is being controlled by your midfield. So this takes the front line out of the equation, the midfielders will pass it amongst themselves and try to get it out wide. If they can't they're going to take a shot and hopefully win a corner.

    Just finished 5 games that were all extremely dull affairs decided either by a set piece or a ball over the top or a mistake.

    In one particular game, I was down to 9 men within 60 minutes. The AI still couldn't create a good chance, let alone score. I play with a very basic tactical set up but focus on getting players with the right attributes for my style of play. I like my players to have good Decisions & Teamwork regardless of position and basically let them make their choices on the pitch. In past years FM, I've had great joy and watched some wonderful football played out like this. But in FM19, because I'm not pressing the AI like crazy and leaving gaps, this ME feels like set piece simulator. 

    I know this has been mentioned in the Bugs forum and the devs are hard at work trying to balance this issue as best they can. The change to Defensive Width in tactics this year could have had this knock on effect. I fear this might need too much re-working for an update. But I hope I'm wrong! These devs do have a habit of pleasantly surprising me when I least expect it. (Been a fanboy since CM days)

    To end on a positive note, I really do think the new training module is a fantastic and much needed addition to the sim. 


  13. 23 minutes ago, StevehFC said:

    That is ridiculous the crossing issue is still in the game after how long. 

    I think you misunderstood my post.

    Have no issue with crosses being OP, I'm pleasantly surprised about that, scored most of my goals via passes and through balls even though playing 4-4-2.

    The problem is with the assist analysis chart that shows where the assists originated from.

  14. Loving the FM19 Beta till now.

    However there is one bug I have encountered which was in FM18 and seems to have carried over. Posted in the bugs forum but no reply. 

    No matter, where the assist is generated from, the central area below the penalty box will stay 0. 

    This happens to AI teams as well. 

    I'm using Macbook Pro Early 2015. I tried this last year on a friend's macbook but had the same issue. 

    Can someone using a Mac confirm that they do not have this issue because I think it might affect most Macs.

    Find screenshot below. Thanks for your help!

    Screen Shot 2018-10-23 at 2.09.27 PM.png

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