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  1. He’ll be an ever present, because Southgate won’t be here Fact is, he should be playing more over the years in his actual position, because he’s the best.
  2. Because TAA is levels above Trippier. Honestly, Trippier is no where near the level people think he is. 22-23 he was amazing, but he’s absolutely no where near that, and a weaker defender than TAA. 7 games TAA has played RB for England. Just laughable. Come end of this tournament, Mainoo will have played same amount of games as TAA in their main position.
  3. If Switzerland pin Saka back, we’re ****ed. As you say, there’s still no runners behind Kane or width. Just bodies in the middle who will all want it to feet.
  4. 3 ATB for me is Southgate trying to plug the holes in the side. It won't see Stones/Walker/Konsa go forward, it just means there's three more central and Rice/Mainoo in front, so a box of 5. Which should be the way with 4-3-3 with Walker RB, but the gaps have been there because Rice is always left on his own and I just can't see this changing things. Feels a last role of the dice by Southgate to find his solution to no Phillips. This was the team that played Germany in 2021: Pickford: Walker, Stones, Maguire: Trippier, Phillips, Rice, Shaw: Saka, Kane, Sterling
  5. Win, with Mainoo / Trippier / Bellingham all booked. I want us to win and win a major championship, but I’m just not engaged with us this tournament. We’ve been ****, now switching to 3ATB, so it just feels fitting to lose as a result and the performance to look even more laughably detached.
  6. Get France knocked out please. So boring. All the talent, 0 goals in open play ffs.
  7. Nah, not close to 2nd best for me. Were poor against Switzerland and Denmark. Home advantage helps a lot, but against good sides they were there for the taking.
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