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23 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. so I found how to do this and thought I'd update here incase anyone else comes across it. After the new patch all the Regen face now have "r-" in front of the unique ID so al I needed to do was go into the config and change the lines (like attached) ... the numbers didn't change, the format did.
  2. What I did last time doesn't work now, there were 15,000 IDs in the config but it seems they don't cover those particular people - also seems like the Personal Assistant is no longer manager ID +1 - My doctor ID is 29174501... all the config files I've downloaded start with IDs much higher than that around 2002066457 which tend to be manager's ID I think - is there a way to manipulate the config files easily to create a new range? - Would be interested If anyone has found these people in the new patch
  3. I had this working perfectly up until the latest update and now the faces are back to the horrible Regen faces and the finder isn't working for me.... anyone had any luck with the latest patch?
  4. Is it possible to play the full game on an iPhone via a stream from a laptop like PlayStation remote play? does anyone do this? Just sitting with some dead time and thinking how good it would be to be able to continue the save that's on my laptop
  5. EDIT- found what I needed. Basically I just downloaded a really bad file / how to on this initially that caused all the issues. Just needed to start the whole thing again. Thanks for the help it helped me through the logic
  6. I've worked out the issue (and come to the problem it's a pretty impossible solution) The problem was the file I downloaded from another site had .png files from 1-1000 but then replicated the coding thousands of times (so when my Press Officer was coming up as 320 there were thousands of entries for 320 making it impossible to identify the UID and it was such a huge file that reloading the skin would take forever) I could get it to work and get the face in but couldn't identify UID - it could be one of thousands and the file was unsustainably big to keep in. @Watson156 thanks for your file, that looks much better as there is no multiple entries so am going to give that a go now and see if it works. Thank you!
  7. That's great thanks ... so I tried the Manager ID plus 1 and that didn't work.... the club doctor id seems to be very different to all the IDs that were thrown up by previous methods. Now I know the club doctor ID how can I use that to help?
  8. I have... but it seems there is no MAC version of Artmoney available and through the other route (changing a player face to silhouette with a number in - fm22) just isn't working at all. Wondering if there is another way to tackle this?
  9. Has something changed with FM 24 regarding how to change these faces? I've followed exactly the instructions from old threads from fm22 and fm23 but can't for the life of me find a way to change these faces, is there a different setting in this iteration? Any help greatly appreciated!
  10. Posting in here as got no replies on general discussion and would be really keen to seen if anyone knows the answer I've never seen it but wondering if it's possible for players to develop partnerships whilst playing in the youth/reserve/U21 teams? or even whilst out on loan - ie loan out 2 x cbs to the same club Would be a cool thing to implement if it doesn't exist as I often think about this when loaning young players or even allocating which players to play in my reserves. Would be great to purposely keep a team together and developing partnerships with each other rather than loan out
  11. I've never seen it but wondering if it's possible for players to develop partnerships whilst playing in the youth teams? Would be a cool thing to implement if it doesn't exist as I often think about this when loaning young players - could I keep a team together and developing partnerships with each other rather than loan out
  12. Well that's a hell of a lot better than I was getting! Thank you for that and I think I can see the difference within the file
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