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Everything posted by dmayne07

  1. I've uploaded a file just after this has happened but i have also tested selling said player at different times of the year and another player and the issue persisted (2 bugs really). I currently get 10% of revenue received and because we are in debt, i need to sell my star player to raise get into a positive bank balance with the hope that i could then ask for an increase to the retained revenue, so the second player i sell for money could be more substantially reinvested in the team (I'm still talking about 25/30% so not much). However, I went to sell the player and noticed that even though it was £17m up front, I was only getting £900,000 so barely half of that. I've tested this with different amounts and it seems to be capped at £900k with no explanation. It's just a straight 10% as well and not based on raising x amount before it decreases. I then sold the player and my retained revenue dropped to 0% again. No warning. I then ask to increase and they refuse; worse when i say about the money raised (£20m+ in profit in 2 years with a wage budget only 20k more a week in 2 years including promotion and a highest ever finish) they tell me my net spend isn't that impressive (that's almost like a 3rd bug). Even when I did manage to get it, they only push it back up to 10%. Seems like it's linked to this old issue which also seems to be affecting Portuguese teams. Pretty big issue for long term saves and especially frustrating . I do have a save just before that I can also share if that helps but shared this one since you can still see the message re the sale.
  2. As the title says. Managing Maritimo during the 3rd season of my save and I am just outside of the January window. I went to play the next match and noted that one of my players on loan from Benfica was missing. To my shock, I checked up to see where he was and he was inexplicably sold to Lazio for peanuts. I didn't get any news item that he had been recalled, was under bid etc. Pretty integral to my team and worse is the fact that I could have actually afforded him at £20k. Assuming this is a bug.
  3. Not sure I could ever bring myself to play without wingers . I've actually tweaked to very similar tactics to you and thought I'd cracked it by playing him as a Poacher but then he scored about 2 in 10 averaging a 6.5 . As I said above, weirdly, a much inferior Tel seems to get more chances. All very strange.
  4. Haha, don't tell me it's meta! I just try and strip back the tactics and keep it fairly basic. Do you think your post in that thread still holds true though? Last year I never had any issues with strikers scoring and in fact had much worse strikers score at a goal a game in the PL (unrealistically so don't mind that being tweaked). This is my test save anyway so not the end of the world but because of that I had a look at his CA and hidden attributes. Only Haaland and Mbappe have better than his 179 CA and his spread of attributes is also great. He's got 15+ for most personality traits and consistency (which is especially meaningless in my opinion) and important matches are 14 and 12 respectively just he might score 2 in a game then not score for 5 games. Still miles ahead on xG this season and whilst he is actually slightly out performing his xG, his average rating is below a 7 which is ridiculous for a guy who's so well rounded and playing in a pretty dominant team (basically the worst of all my first team players). I tried your suggestions and it's made no real difference. Just at a loss as to how to get him more involved. Even got to a 4231 and that's not made a massive impact. His numbers are by no means bad but for a player at his level in this team, they are very poor. I think all the changes to the ME have made issues stick out more to me as I've never really paid too much attention to the issues. I reckon he's had 1 chance in the 3 seasons from the ball being played over the top. I've moved to balanced on tempo and passing, with pass into space and early crosses, even chucking in 'take more risks' and midfielders never play an early pass to him. Played Tel (and it's not a great version of him) and my players do actually play more direct passes over the top at times. Just weird and feels kind of broken to me because even if he wasn't one of those players who does well in the ME, you'd still expect a lot more goals and better all-round performance. Seems the games solution is often to make him fractionally offside or point blank blocks from cutbacks. I am greedy though; I want my striker to score a goal a game, wingers with 1 in 2, a goalscoring midfielder and to keep clean sheets I'd prioritise the goal scoring striker over everything else!
  5. Hi guys, Wonder if anyone had was having some issues with strikers both being involved and scoring chances this year? Never something I've ever had a problem with, in fact probably the opposite where decent PL strikers will still bag 25+ in a top half team. We're top on xG and I was a long way ahead last year, with respective 4th place (1 game to go) and 7th place finishes. I've attached a pic of Marcos Leonardo below and if you exclude the Conference League because of the sheer volume of awful teams he's played against, he's only bagged 15 in 36 PL games. Plenty of assists too but the average rating kind of gives you an idea of his general performance. He's below his xG in the PL and last year he scored 11 in 33 and his xG was over 18 which is a ridiculous difference. You'd expect decent strikers to outdo their xG and certainly world class strikers in a team that creates loads. Looking at the top scorers in the league, they're outperforming their xg by somewhere from 3 all the way up to 8, which is what you'd expect. Maybe it's the tactics that are not giving him as many chances but he's still not performing as he should, and doesn't have a single weakness (maybe jumping reach but still enough to not get totally bullied). CA wise he's probs in the top 10 strikers in the world. In the ME, he seems to score quite a few offside goals but my team refuse to ever pass into space, play through balls and even cross from the byline are rare. No PI on any players except the wide players may have stay wider or cut inside depending on the role and flank they're playing on. I've tried him as PF, AF, P and CF. Poacher weirdly lead to a lot of those assists but didn't like the idea of him being even more isolated when he's so well rounded. I don't want some meta tactic to make an already easy game, easier but if anyone wants to suggest some tactical tweaks or is experiencing the same it would be interesting to hear. Not harming my success really but is affecting my enjoyment of having such a beast who doesn't score that much (relative to his ability!) Cheers
  6. More importantly, what are your training schedules with all those 10's and 9's?!
  7. Same for me. Restarting my pc to see if that helps.
  8. Where are you getting that from? The idea of offering 100% wage increases to the bulk of your squad is absolute madness, even moreso in any league outside the PL where there is a huge climb in revenue. 25-40 is probably quite standard as that's still bloating the wage bill especially when a few high earners arrive.
  9. I understand the rationale but do we know that this actually happens in real life? As somebody who spends a lot of time reviewing contracts (not football employment ones granted) it seems strange an unwieldy to have a conditional clause, that is then based on another conditional clause. Not experienced it myself but seen a couple of people play as Leicester and get promoted, only to be £350k-£400k in deficit on the wage bill when given their budgets which is not realistic of any promoted team (particularly at Leicester where a lot of the cash flow issues have been solved and it's likely there would be some significant investment if they are promoted next year). If you're keeping those clauses in, then surely finances of promoted teams need a big increase in wage budget to compensate for it. I'd also suspect that a lot of clubs do not have much in the way of promotion clauses as that's not necessarily their aim and they certainly wouldn't have anything approaching 80%.
  10. Sorry to bump but just wondered if this is being looked into/fixed? It has a massive impact on every championship club and I'm guessing lots of second tier leagues and below if they're affected. 35% would seem pretty generous and it's unlikely to exist for most of the relegated teams of those players are already on existing contracts.
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