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Everything posted by ralala

  1. Can I sign up for this with savegame export to newer versions of FM since that is a thing now? Then I might have a chance to complete it around FM2030 or so
  2. "There's more variety in the types of stadium, too" .. so that was a lie
  3. Good to see I'm not alone in this desire, I did think there used to be more variations before - and thank you for reminding me it was FM17. Made a request for it on the request section (here), I'll reference this post for the pictures and the fact that it actually used to be a lot better!
  4. Hello part of the forum I've never posted in, guess it's time to chime in with a suggestion. Following what I perceive as lack of variation on the in-match stadia in the game I would like to request more variation in the coming editions of FM. Ideally there would be variations on which grey middling town I end up in when LLM'ing my way around the English pyramid. Surely some bricks are placed differently at Pub Team A's ground than in Pub Team B's? Is there just one construction company that get all of the jobs? Or just travelling in Europe where there are houses in the background, maybe consider national variations here too? In Denmark there are no trees, so houses are made of bricks. In Norway there are an abundance of trees so most houses are wooden. In Greece they really like their white houses with blue roofs. Then when I think of continents there should be a large and clear difference. Things like background of the stadia could well enhance the perception that I am now managing in Asia/Afria/South America at the very least. Or the burger van could at least sell wok or noodles when in Asia? Have some creativity. Have some ocean or lake in the background when the team is very clearly on situated in a coastal city? Have mountains in the background where appropriate? Have a river next to it? Maybe you've seen that meme of a stadia that has a railroad between the pitch and the stand? Put it in the game! Consider the flora and the fauna a bit? Not everywhere has grass and mud comes in different colours. The sun gives different colour depending on where on the globe you are. Now, I've posted a bit of a whinge recently about how this turned me off of the current iteration(FM23) and I do mean this. I mean it because, as one of many, I've played this series of games - my catharsis of videogames - since the 90's. But I can no longer suffer the same grey/brown dullness of the lower league stadia in the game. Or the stale few variations of "big club" stadia that exist. Or the absolute lack of signs to where in the world I am currently managing - or visiting - with my team. I seem to have a memory of there being larger variations of stadia in previous editions somewhere between 2010-2020? Am I wrong in this? Please give visual immersion some love. I do know it is quite magical what you have managed to immerse me in with what is basically an advanced excel sheet, but you could do even better! I'm getting older so my fantasies needs visual input too, as sad as that might sound. Edit: Here is a thread for reference, also including an answer to my question here of wether there used to be a larger variation(it did!) :
  5. I thank you for your important input. A lack of immersion, and specially a lack of variation between stadia on different continents just makes a journeyman-save to dull to suffer. Making different regional stadiums should be a bare minimum. I feel this is just lazy on the developers part. I refunded the game. I've.. never done that with an FM edition, so well done SI? Sarcastic clapping and such
  6. Hello wonderful community. I was wondering if I could get some input on the status of the stadia in the match engine? Has there been improvements / more variation then FM22? I really hope it has, since I found LLM managment specifically last year was all played at the same ground. Is there variations between regions/continents? I ask this because I am planning a global journey, and I haven't done this in some years. I'm currently at 100 minutes played in Steam and would really like some input here, since I am on the fence about refunding.
  7. Added some custom databases to my game for the first time in many years. Going for a sort of Scandinavian Steel or Scandinavigon challenge if you will, I added Faeroese leagues as a starting location and a fun remake of the dead Royal League for FM 22'. The Royal League however had a bug. A coefficient bug that made any nation participating in the RL have '0' points each year. This means the Scandinavian nations are below such powerhouses as Andorra, San Marino and Liechtenstein in the rankings and getting no qualifier slots for European places. So qualifying for Europe then starts as a weird little pre-pre qualifier knock-out tournament played in Gibraltar for the teams involved. 2 or 3 games I think, before you are into the (pre)-qualifier proper. These qualifiers in Gibraltar takes place in the summer, right in the middle of the Norwegian season. Throw in some domestic cup and of course the Royal League running throughout the year for a two-games-a-week second half of the season. And since the ratings will never improve, I will always have to go to Gibraltar. Could be fun if I did it on purpose as a challenge perhaps, but not so fun when you discover the problem so far into the save. I didn't really try for Europe until 20 season in or so.. a bit late to start over. I got to the quarter finals in CL as the high-point. But winning the league as invincible but then getting knocked out of europe by Midtjylland or some nonsense on Gibraltar in June deflated the save a bit for me. Lesson of the year; Go vanilla save again for 23' like I usually do. And do try something other than 442 next year(right..)
  8. I expect SI had to pay for these rights? Depending on the size of payment of course, but this could be a poor business decision. Is having these licences better for PR or some such? Cosmetic graphics and name changes of clubs and competitions are usually first released of any fan-made additions to new version of FM.
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