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Fabio MVP

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24 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"


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    Former Bosnia and Herzegovina Head Researcher.

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    Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina


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    Cars, sports and music.

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    Man United and Sarajevo

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  1. Unfortunately I am thinking of doing the same after the next update comes out.
  2. Exactly! That's what I was saying, but you've expanded on it. The likes of Rasford, Sancho and Antony can't get double figures in G/A's. Garnacho not developing the right way as he has 5-6 goals and 3-4 assist in 48 games.
  3. It's not just about G/A's, it's about them not doing what they are supposed to do to with or without ball.
  4. Love the Champions League and Europa League theme. Hypes me up! During the matches, if there is one or more goals/injuries/red cards, the minute it occurs will be correctly displayed on the Overview screen, but on the Latest Scores screen it will always be one minute up. For example, my players scores in 19th minute (correct), it will be shown like that in the Overview screen, but in the Latest Scores screen it will say 20th minute. That's been the case in all the mobile version since FMM 2015 (the version I started to play mobile version). Why is that the case? Also, something that really annoys me is the fact that when I sign a player, (mostly) he immediately has one or more attributes downgraded. This is also the case in the past versions. Signed Osimhen (Finishing dropped from 18 to 17), signed Toney (Finishing dropped from 19 to 18), signed Calver-Lewin (Finishing dropped from 17 to 16). I have an Attacking coach with Gold badge, Natural apptidute and five-star ability. After that they need at least half a season to get their attribute(s) back. And that never happens to AI when they sign a player. IF's definitely need tweaking. Everything I've written before still stands as I've played few more seasons. They can't get into double figures. Still don't love the fact that when my player is transfer listed, the AI is offering me ridicilously low amounts of money, while when they're selling transfer listed player, they're always asking more than the player's worth. Same goes for unlisted players. I've also noticed many postiive things as well. Loving the game so far!
  5. Nah, don't over power them! Just make them cut inside, dribble, shoot, pass, run into opp defense and loose the ball. I was/am mostly relying on my striker partnership (DLF and AF/poacher), tactic is balanced in general, not looking to exploit anything, but to play the way I would want my team to play if I was the one in charge IRL, which I'm not! I've PM'd you.
  6. Yeah, I forgot about that one hot-fix so far. Cheers, Marc. Appreciate the info.
  7. Hey Marc, Agreed on the bolded part, but they are doing the opposite now. You need the find the middle! I'm playing as Man Utd in 4-4-2 formation with AML (Rashford and Sancho) and AMR (Antony and Pellistri), so IF's have plenty of space to cut inside, but for some reason they really don't. They tend to drift wide outside without the ball, as if they are standing on the side and watching the match, or they are running towards the corner flag with the ball, but not crossing in the end because of the wrong foot. Rarely they are doing what is expected of them. I'm playing Pellistri as a Winger (because he is right-footed AMR) and the other three as Inside Forwards. The IF's are pretty much useless. They are geting poor to average ratings, in 10 games or so, Rashford and Antony (first choices) have 0 G/A, while Sancho has 1 assist. Pellistri on the other hand is much more effective as he is doing his Wingers job of getting past the full back and crossing byline. As much as I agree that in past version IF's were sitting next to strikers, they were at least effective with providing G/A, but their behavious was unrealistic and annoying and I didn't like that. While in this version it is much more realistic they they are staying out wide in the start and moving around much more, not being static and sitting next to the striker, they still need tweaking in terms of cutting inside without and especially with the ball and trying the create havoc in opp defense. P. S. First season (6th of october): Rashford (first choice): 11 app, 2 goals, 0 assists, average rating of 6,72. Sancho (bench, being introduced at HT in almost every match): 8 app, 0 goals, 1 assist, average rating of 6,50. Antony (first choice): 11 app, 0 golas, 1 assist, average rating of 6,53. In my highly successful previous save game, in first three seasons, things were about the same.
  8. There were no updates so far since the release of the game, right?
  9. I'll second this! That's the first thing I've noticed in this version's ME (I'm using the Enhanced ME version). Playing 4-4-2 (the old school way! Not jumping on a 4-5-1 bandwagon ) with AMR and AML. My IF's are clueless. They are doing everything, but what they should be doing. They are drifting wide without ball, running towards the corner flag with the ball, etc... More of a Winger's behaviour rather than IF's. In past version it was annoying that they were colliding with striker(s), but at least they were effective (scoring and assisting). In this version in 10 games or so, their ratings are poor because they don't contribute in G/A. Tweaking this would be much appreciated because a lot of us are relying on our IF's. As always, there are few other minor bugs. Nothing major, nothing game brekaing. There is one though that is pain in the back! I have created and saved three tactics called: Standard, Attacking and Defending. I'm always starting with the Standard one and then during the match (if needed) switching between the other two accordingly. In my Standard tactic, DR and DL have Full Back roles, while in Attacking one, they have Wing Back roles. Here's what happens: I'm starting the match with the Standard one as I always do. Let's say I change to Attacking one in the second half and the match finishes with me using the Attacking one. Upon returning to the main screen (my news items) and then selecting the Tactics - Formation tab, I will see that my DR and DL have kep their Attacking (tactic) roles (which is Wing Back), instead of just returning to the Standard tactic that I have selected before clicking Go To Match. It's also worth to say that the Shape, Attack and Defense instructions haven't been "copied" form Attacking to Standard, unlike the roles. So it's rather really annoying and time consuming to go to Tactics - Formation tab after every single match or before every single match and load Standard tactic, so I can start correctly with my default tactic. I've also tried the Report Bug in Settings, but it won't upload the save game even though I'm connected to Wi-Fi and have mobile data (LTE) turned on. I would really appreciate fixing this in yout next upade as it would mean a lot to me! If you need any more help/explaining with this, I'm at your service. On the other hand, I'm really enjoying the game. I've shifted from PC to mobile version in 2015 and every year it's getting better and better. IMHO I can say that this is the best version so far! Loving the addition of team talks! Oh how I've missed them in the past versions! Appreciate what you guys have been doing for us! Cheers!
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