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98 "There's no crying in baseball"

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  1. Yeah, but at this point I wouldn't be surprised if there was more.
  2. Denuvo and In-app Purchases...lol Yeah that really makes me want to pre-order this game that we know nothing about.
  3. I get what you are saying especially about the mod-tag, but that was never in my thinking. It is understandable that some people will always consider you a mod first and foremost - but I am not one of them. I have always taken your posts at face value and have never doubted your sincerity.
  4. I realise you are playing devil's advocate for the most part, and I appreciate your point about the marketing, but trying to inject any common sense or rationality at this point is going to be swept away in a community sized tsumani of disinterest. Most people are sitting back with the popcorn at the ready waiting for the inevitable train wreck. The voices of reason, patience and moderation have no chance in this maelstrom of failed expectation.
  5. Chasing the console market will never make sense for football manager. Chasing a mobile market (for a mobile version), or switch yes, but the game is never going to play well on a traditional console when you are sitting on a coach straining to see screens full of information. It is a horrible gaming experience. Also, Fm25 is 20gb download so full version on mobile is not a serious option. It surely has to remain a PC based game.
  6. Personally I think it is possible that SI are playing 4D chess. With so many people watching on expecting a train wreck, the game will drop and it will be shock everyone by being superb. The forums will become a desert because everyone will be eating their words and/or too busy playing the game. It is possible...
  7. No doubt about that, but the fact somebody at SI has still approved 6 foot 2 Kirby world beater as an official promotion of the game is a worrying sign. It is right there on the steam Fm25 page.
  8. I don't have a problem with the inclusion of women's football either but there is so little communication about the rest of the game that people are questioning everything. You have screenshots of Fran Kirby being a world beater and people are asking can we sign her for the men's team? It is just down to catastrophic communication by SI. All we have is some trailer that looks so pointless that no wonder people are questioning what the hell SI are playing at.
  9. Just keep training and playing him to fit your system. If you are worried about his crossing don't be. He might only reach 13 crossing but that is good enough. I play with overlapping full backs and they cross fine with 12-13.
  10. He is quality. He has loads of potential so get him in your team.
  11. Good to hear you make use of the DoF. I'm pretty use to my DoF failing in contract talks and generally being useless . Maybe I will get round to sacking him one day but the motivation to find out how is always lacking, so I guess he stays.
  12. Yeah. More of a wide playmaker. He looks almost like Beckham in his final days.
  13. I'm with Spartan here. I mean seriously what is the point? I still use windows 98 and I can run sim city perfectly.
  14. What level are Stoke City Women playing at? My local amateur women's team play right along the road from me and I have been going along to watch them over the last year or so. Anyone who disparages the women's game only needs to turn up and watch a local game. It is highly competitive (brutally sometimes - yes I have seen some shocking tackles) and entertaining. There is a real explosion of women's football happening and I applaud SI for understanding this.
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