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  1. adding screenshots for reference. thank you.
  2. thanks, could you let me know which were the 2 that you found? i just started another new game to check again, and i saw the titles come up for more than just 2. for ease of reference i am attaching screenshots of what i am seeing. apologies, but do you instead mean that titles are acceptable in the common name? the case of 16319417 is a bit different as it references the birth name, but i think the direction from woodg was to remove this as well. apologies if i misunderstood. thank you.
  3. how odd, i am still seeing 2000154151 Dr. Stefan Kuhn come up in the search as a common name. for 2000109551 Dr. Alexander Ruhe, it still appears as such with the Dr. title in the Eintracht Braunschweig staff screen. apologies, but do you instead mean that titles are okay in the common name?
  4. for Irfan Fandi (23222901) there is a missing relation with his brother Ilhan Fandi (23493806). suggest to add this relationship please. Ilhan has Irfan as a brother, while the other brother, Ikhsan Fandi (23359300) has them both set as brothers.
  5. also adding a minor detail, not sure how widespread this might be. for 2016322, suggest to add common name "Fandi Ahmad" to be consistent with the naming conventions for his sons (Ilhan Fandi, Ikhsan Fandi, and Irfan Fandi). else the game will likely call him by his second name Ahmad, which is actually his father's name.
  6. first, there two persons of sikh descent that may need their name fields edited. 1046147 - name fields are odd. first name is Gursharan, second name Karmjit Singh, common name Gursharan Singh, full name Gursharan Karmjit Singh. based on the common name it would seem that the first name is indeed Gursharan, but the Karmjit in the second name is a first name as far as i know, while Singh is the basic surname in sikh culture. as such i think Karmjit refers to the father. as such i think the first name should be kept as Gursharan, second name Singh (not Karmjit Singh). the common name can be removed, while the full name should be changed to Gursharan Singh s/o Karmjit Singh. however, this is educated guesswork based on other sikh persons in the data from malaysia and singapore - see next person for an example. 23139406 - based on the full name field, the entered first name is the actual first name + second name, while second name contains the father's name. therefore, first name should be Jasvinderpal, second name Singh, common name removed, and full name kept as it is currently (Jasvinderpal Singh s/o Kuldeep Singh).
  7. first, there are two persons of sikh descent who may need to have their names edited as their first name consists of their father's first name + second name, while their second name is actually their own first name + second name. 23425311 full name is Ashkayjit Singh a/l Ajet Singh, suggesting that their first name is Ashkayjit, second name Singh, and that they are the son of Ajet Singh. however, first name is entered as Ajet Singh, second name as Ashkayjit Singh. 1015297 same issue - Charun Singh, the father's name, is entered as the first name, while Pritam Singh, their name, is entered as the second name. these would make it consistent with how things are done for three other sikh persons in the data: 2000046746, 2000046747, and 2000039657. second, for 2000032165, the full name is likely missing a "s/o" or son of indicator in the full name, which is entered as "Gurmesjit Singh Ajit Singh" - this should become "Gurmesjit Singh s/o Ajit Singh". third, with regards to titles in name fields - there was a discussion in the austrian and german data for fm22 that resulted in woodg stating that titles should not be included in the name fields. in the context of malaysian persons (and probably indonesia, brunei, and singapore), this could have an impact in the sense of the dato / dato' / datuk titles, as well as potentially the haji / hajah titles. not sure what the approach would be here. personally, i think it is fine as long as it does not appear in the first, second, or common names. i suppose si games needs to be clear on this.
  8. based on the austrian data discussion last year titles in the various name fields were to be removed - at least from the first and second names, and i think full names as well. the indonesian data has a few that i found, not sure if there are others: 7740957 and 41001381 - remove ", S.H." from the full name - think this is an educational qualification / title. 7749586 - remove ", S.Sos, M.M." from the full name. think these are educational qualifications / titles. for 41001381, i note that the full name has Dato, which is a title if i am not wrong. not sure about this one as there will be wider ramifications for other persons in malaysia, brunei, and so on (such as vincent tan).
  9. 2000184858 has a typo in the name - first name ("Franco ,") and full name ("Franco , Polichino") both have an extra comma.
  10. based on the austrian data discussion last year titles in the various name fields were to be removed - at least from the first and second names. i think common names as well, but cannot recall. am not able to check the forums from last year seem to have been removed. there are two cases here that may need to be edited: 19017872 - "Dr. Afonso Rangel" in the full name. 2113186 - "Dr. Luiz Carlos Leal" in the full name.
  11. adding: 2000003627 - "MSc Alexander" in the first name, "MSc Alexander Lappi" in the full name.
  12. based on the austrian and german data discussion last year in the titles in the various name fields were to be removed - at least from the first and second names. there are two cases i found in the german data: 2000154151 - common name contains Dr. title. since the first and second names are the same as the common name sans the title, think the common name can be removed. 2000109551 - same as above.
  13. based on the austrian data discussion last year titles in the various name fields were to be removed - at least from the first and second names. the following such cases are present in the USA data: 72047576 - "Dr. Joshua" in the first name, correspondingly entered in the full name. 72017621 - "Morris M.D." in the second name, correspondingly in the full name. 20031759 - "William McGuire, M.D." in the full name.
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