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Lexis last won the day on October 26 2020

Lexis had the most liked content!


565 "Wax on, wax off"

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  1. Dominance over what? There hasn't been any competitor in ages. Which might stand as a testament to what they've built, depending on how you want to see it. What I don't understand is why didn't they just leave it in exactly like it was? Better than not having it at all and would've been fine to wait for 26 to have it revamped. Was even the effort of porting it as-is too much? If that's the case then it goes again to resource allocation and why are they spending resources on other things that are far far less consumed, such as .... I don't want to name it.
  2. I can admit I'm slightly disappointed so far. Most of the updates have been on things not making the cut and stuff being removed from the game. The feature announcement will come next, I hope they kept the bombs there, because so far all they did was increase the pressure on themselves. I can't help but think it's FM26 that will really be what we're waiting for but let's see, I want to be wrong.
  3. I would be extremely interested to see some data about the actual play time on women's football. Data-driven decisions are clearly being made in terms of removing/adding new features (eg. international football). There probably is data showing that women's football is a more desired / consumed feature than international football management therefore making sense to spend more dev cycles there. Although one might argue it's not one at the sake of the other, clearly one has a higher priority in the grand scheme of things so that would likely mean it has the required data to back that up.
  4. Hey, I think I misspoke. I meant the circle ratings, where you can see your attributes in 'half a circle' increments when inspecting your own players.
  5. Love the skin brother. Thank you for your work. Can you guide me towards how I can modify the thresholds for the stars showing in attributes? Thank you.
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