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Posts posted by fletchar

  1. Firstly I am updated to the latest patch but ca somebody explain to me what has happened to the user interface this year on iPhone? I’m genuinely confused and can’t get past just a few mins of gameplay due to inconsistencies and things that just don’t make sense. 

    I always start unemployed and part of how I choose whether to apply for a job or not is based on the club info - stadium, facilities, financial status etc. where has the club info screen gone? When I go to the club it’s just the squad list, when I press the menu button thinking it will bring up the sub menus for the club it doesn’t come up there either. 

    Also, the back button and the menu button seem to be completely random every time you press them. When you press back thinking you’ll return to the screen you were just on, nope. When you press menu thinking it’ll give you the option to go to your homepage, nope - oh hang on, sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes home comes up, you press it and it doesn’t take you there. 

    im sorry but it is just utterly random and making the game unplayable for me because I can’t navigate to where I want to go without numerous trial and errors. surely I can’t be the only one experiencing this difficulty in navigating the sub menus and finding the game unplayable? Please help?!

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