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Everything posted by jayme87

  1. taking over holker old boys to start my challenge: manager profile: https://gyazo.com/efbc97eee772179726acc1d76680fee9
  2. is there a reason you cant do level 12 challenge? i always get confused with the promotions between these leagues. anyone have a breakdown of how it works with promotions from level 12 upwards, sorry for spam, thanks
  3. any active discords with fm talk strategy/tactics/ players and general other stuff? any invite links ? thanks
  4. So 4 seasons into my beloved Barrow save somehow have been promoted to the premier league. Panic mode has ensued now, i did not plan for this and now i have a team who played really well in the championship but feel like they will struggle for sure in the premier league. Some Info: Wages for the season were 62k per week 2nd season in championship, was expected to finish 24th even though i finished a respectable 8th the season before. Since promotion i have been given £330k per week and a transfer budget of £26 million . issues have began since most of my players who played well last season want improved contracts. here are a few players i would like some opinions on: Robbie cundy https://gyazo.com/aeb59b24d760b59b0925246cac8d058d seems to want around 15k per week, and tbh his performances last two seasons have been exceptional but i feel like he is probably not premier league standard, coaches seem to think he good sky bet league 1 player.. I feel like he wont be happy being a backup either so probably best to get rid? Jack harper https://gyazo.com/4252fe539f6f7561cac30eb131072f6f picked him up on a free at the end of his contract, he done pretty well towards the end of the season on either wing or as a striker backup to isacc olafe who has been immense for a few seasons for us, He wants around 32k per week and he wants to considered an important player but im not sure he is premier league standard and the wages he wants seems a bit high? would you get rid? robbie gotts https://gyazo.com/8dc5d84b2631913dc0318b595f5de87a wants improved contract and wants to be considered an important player still. not sure again he is premier league quality. think i may offload him and look to bring in someone a with a bit more potential. Problem is getting players who want to play for me and who are of decent/ better quality than these players. maybe i am setting myself up to fail with trying to make a huge overhaul of the squad? have also made a mistake of loaning some players for next season and the rules is confusing me , says only allowed 4 domestic based players on long term loans in a season and only a maximum of 2 domesic based long term loans at one time, what happens then? do i only get to register two or what? any help on this front greatly appreciated. thanks again , regards, jamie
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