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Posts posted by murray

  1. It depends on what you want to show there (flag or logo). I have mine showing as in your screenshot for England. If you want a flag where you have the Belgium and England badges, you might just want to copy the code from your logos config file into your flags config file (and move / rename the logos config file to avoid a conflict) - this assumes that both your flags and logos just have the UID as the filename of course. It's a bit difficult to say because I don't know how you have your folders and logos set up. I'd make a copy of any config file you're going to change first, just in case it doesn't work how you want it to :)

  2. 12 minutes ago, michaeltmurrayuk said:

    it is also possible with the new role rating that the player is better suited to one of the AMR roles over the AMC and that is why the game is selected that position.

    I created my own DB to use my players from FM20 and I had this. One of my young DCs was listed in game as a DR and the position indicator looked the same in that the "natural" position wasn't circled, but the "accomplished" position was. In the editor, it showed the positions as DC 20 and DR 16, but the ratings were higher for a couple of the DR roles. Because it's my own DB and didn't make a difference to me, I reduced the DR position rating to 15 and it resolved the issue.

    For your player, it might be because the highest role rating for AMC is actually quite low (25) whereas there are roles for AMR (and MC) rated much higher. Given my own experience above, I'd have expected him to show as MC above AMR though, given what it shows in the editor for him.

  3. 23 minutes ago, MariusA said:

    But the Personal Assistant doesn't work with this.

    The process does work (I found my PA's UID this way) but there is such a vast range of UIDs that it just means the UID of your PA is outside of the 15,000 records in the config file. I had to try twice to find my PA and Press Officer, the ranges I was trying didn't have both within the same batch of 15,000 numbers (you can see from my previous post they are something like 13,000 numbers apart). It's trial and error, and quite a pain. If there was some way of knowing the full UID range, I could probably generate a config file to cover all the numbers.

  4. The UIDs are different, it still works if the UID range is correct. I did some trial and error with the numbers (using an excel file I already have for generating config files for my created club facepack) and my PA had the UID 2000096457 and my Press Officer 2000083681. I don't know what range is needed for the config file to always work, but I had to play around a bit to get both of them, which were done in separate attempts. Try the config file I've attached, it may work, or your staff may be in a different range...


  5. 4 hours ago, troubledwaters said:

    Can anyone please help me figure out what is wrong with my West Ham logo? I have it in the folder, it's labeled as 735. It looks like it is set up correctly in the config file.

    And yet, this happens. No West Ham logo! What could be going on here? All other logos around the world are working.

    If the config etc it correct, it could be the filetype. Check to see if it is saved as a .PNG or .png and change it if it is in all caps.

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