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11 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Not the OP, but using three central strikers will basically 'break' a back 4 in the engine, as one striker will always be free. In older editions of FM the AI would often switch to this tactic when desperate for a goal, with three centre backs the only way to counteract. Mercifully I don't think that this remains as a default tactic, so we're now spared this from the AI at least.
  2. I've never been able to 'fix' individual complacency with a Shout, but giving a mini team talk ("want you to make an impact" etc) when making a substitution seems to reduce the occurrence and improve body language of substitutes.
  3. I don't disagree on this point, but maybe that's OK, and a realistic representation of international management? I love international football IRL because of the inherent restrictions, not despite it! Probably not disagreeing, just have different interests 👍
  4. You can manage both a club side and national side at the same time, so there's no sitting around between matches. You could make international management more interesting by implementing much of what's available already. There should be dynamics for your national pool / squad to encourage more consistent / realistic selections, and basic training with the ability to rest players.
  5. On team cohesion, one thing to help is to make sure each player's individual training reflects their position and role within your tactics. This will make sure each player eventually reaches full role familiarity.
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