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Everything posted by Walrus

  1. Probably stupid question but what do the arrows on the fullbacks mean and how do I get them added on?
  2. Afternoon, I’m looking for a successful tactic for Chelsea, ideally involving 2 up top, either 442 or 532. I love strikers scoring goals hence the two up top. Happy enough if it involves me needing to rebuilt the team but would like to be rebuilt around Mount and James. Happy to sell anyone else if it facilitates an attacking team. Playing on Xbox if that effects things.
  3. Morning all, After years of playing on PC, I’m venturing into the Xbox Console version for this year. Quick question, which I think I know the answer for but always good to check. I’m assuming there is no way of uploading tactics in .fmf format to the Xbox and if I want to use tactics such as Knap etc. I need to manually add them myself? And I imagine that I can’t get any graphics updated in the game either? Thanks in advance.
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