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Posts posted by Stereo

  1. 54 minutes ago, themodelcitizen said:

    Sounds like it might be not finding enough space for all the dates, but running over anyway and then not scheduling for the next season as a result. Down to the new international breaks causing extended delays and rescheduling maybe?

    Hmm, not sure, the previous season always finishes in plenty of time and well within the competition date range.

  2. I have come back to FM after a few years and wanted to carry my revised NI league pyramid into this years game.

    I pulled the file into the editor, and left it largely unchanged asides ensuring all leagues were refilled and wrestling to get it verified.

    I have tested a few season and am having a couple of small issues.

    Notably, several of the leagues from level 4 to 7 are not scheduling and every other season all the leagues are not resetting. Cup competitions are performing as required every season however.

    Anyone any ideas why this might be happening? File attached if that helps.


    NEW NI 24.fmf

  3. On 03/09/2020 at 08:11, Wolf_pd said:

    Game Pass is an unknown if it comes to the editor.

    When ignoring the game pass aspect, loading up the FM 19 file will work in the FM20 editor, might need some rework after loading, but it can be done.

    Thanks for the response. Just need to somehow get my hands on the editor now! I’ve just got the game free from Epic Game store. Does the editor by chance come with it?

  4. Hey,

    I created a large updated NI database on FM2019 and I would love to use it in FM2020. FM19 is the first I had played for a number of years so am not sure how the compatibility of edited user data works with the newer game if indeed it is at all possible. Unfortunately I am playing FM2020 on Gamepass which doesn't afford the luxury of the Pre Game editor to even attempt.

    I tried placing the FM19 DB in the appropriate folder for FM2020 but I cant use in game as its saying it needs tested.

    Q1: Is this even possible?

    Q2: If I provided the FMF file would someone be able to do import into 2020 editor and test (or whatever is required) and re save for use in this years game?



  5. 8 hours ago, pheelf said:

    Glad you're enjoying it.

    It is always good to see how other players approach the game and what you have done sounds interesting. I don't think I'll be seeing an all N. Irish final anytime soon or at all in my save but it's nice to see that it is possible to build the league to those heights.

    I agree that it does get a bit frustrating seeing such low offers for players but then again it really couldn't be any other way to remain realistic. You will be glad to hear that it improves dramatically once the reputation of the league and your club improves as I have been getting good money for my players of late.

    Best Regards

    TBH I think something went funny in my DB as Linfield where the top rep team in the world and the NIPL was into the top 10 leagues and NI was 3rd in the co-efficient but I would still get silly offers and player values were shy of £2 mill.

    On topic... Great season and some big transfers, defo helps keep the finances ticking over!

  6. Just read through this pheelf. Very enjoyable and great to see the progress.

    I only ever play of an edited DB and I boost min attendances to try and kick some finances around the leagues. Had a great Larne and Linfield save going where after 12 seasons they met in the Champs League Final. Unfortunately the player values really seemed to lag and the competition rep went very funny and I grew frustrated at the offer after offer of tuppence for my world class players resulting in a team of unsettled players after every transfer window.

    Have got onto the editor again and tweaked the league layouts etc a bit and am ready for a new career.


    In the mean time il be keeping an eye on your progress.

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