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FM Head Researchers
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24 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"


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    Republic of Ireland Head Researcher

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    Galway, Ireland

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    Galway United

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  1. Hi there, cheers for the feedback. Quite a few of the ones you have mentioned are actually with their clubs in the game. Unfortunately due to the deadline for data closing on 14/02/2024, some did not make the cut, unfortunately it's the same for transfers, i.e Zak Johnson at Dundalk / Brian McManus going from Shels to Bohemians - these happened after the deadline and there is nothing I can do about that. They will all be added. Also just my own preference, but there are no such roles in FM for "student physios" or "assistant physios" etc. In reality LOI clubs operate with only one named Physio, but I will look at adding these staff members in. There is no role in FM for "athletic therapist", so you can't really add those staff. If you see any other stuff, please do mention it. Many thanks.
  2. It is a hard balancing act to get finances for LOI clubs spot on and it goes deeper than just club balances / transfer budgets. Shamrock Rovers have a transfer budget of 100k in the game. I think that's pretty realistic. They're half owned by Supporters/Dermot Desmond and have serious backing behind them. The problem you get is say a club does well in Europe or season passes and their budget changes, then further finances can become available etc. I got promoted with Galway United in my game and my budget got increased substantially and I was able to balance my budget to give me bigger wriggle room in the transfer market. This isn't going to be easily resolved through small little tweaks in budgets. No being smart, but there is no point comparing Honohan's fee to Hakkinen. That's a compensation fee. If Honohan was under contract, Cork City would've commanded a much higher fee than that.
  3. Mason has been added to the game, but I'm afraid he won't be included in this edition as unfortunately age restrictions across the game prohibit his inclusion. Disappointing, but nothing I can do about it.
  4. Strange. Both of these are present in our editor. The Rebel Army as the club's first nickname The Leesiders as second As is CCFC84 as the club hashtag.
  5. Hi there, Yes, any changes that have been flagged here are past the deadline for the beta/game launch. These will follow in future updates. I'm not giving you a short answer, I'm giving you a genuine and honest answer, I'm not sure when that date will be.
  6. Hi Brian. Noted. 100% agree with you. At the same time, I wouldn't pay too much attention to the social media team of the year - not taking anything away from Molloy or any player on it, but it's a bit of a nonsense. For example Rob Slevin was not on the First Division team of the year and he was a shoe-in. A player from Wexford was on it. I'd place a lot more weight in the PFAI Team of the Year / POTY etc.
  7. No, you haven't missed anything at all. Any changes that are requested in this forum have come after the deadline for the beta/game launch. These changes will follow in future updates.
  8. Hi there. Thanks for the feedback. The issue with Axworthy has been amended. The full game has just been released and he's correctly set as a GK now. Thanks for the correction on Sam, I will make sure that's fixed now.
  9. Thanks for the feedback. Lots of good stuff. 1. This was already raised by another person on here. It has been amended. 2. This was also raised by the same person, I will do an update amending all academy stadiums ASAP. 3. There were issues with the current Dalymount Park in the game, where it was being shown as a 10,000 seater stadium etc, these have been amended, but the future stadium was not yet added as the delivery of the new stadium was not 100% confirmed (date wise). I'll take a look at these and ensure it's included. 4. Club links, bar the usual higher profile ones you'd expect like Shels-Hull etc is not something I have looked at in great detail and you're right this is obviously outdated. I'll update that ASAP. 5. I approached the Brighton Researcher about the sell-on for Ferguson and he was looking for more concrete information that there was a sell-on (which is fair enough). Not being smart, I'd also be looking for something a bit more solid than balls.ie... I have replied to him just now including the interview you posted with Pat Fenlon, hopefully that will ensure it's included, as it removes any doubt, but this is out of my hands, as he's in the UK database. 6. I don't really agree with you to be honest. For example, I just loaded a game. Bohemians, who have an average attendance of 4,400 on that sheet, had attendances of 4,348 and 4,400 for two random games I selected. I've gone through all LOI clubs and updated their average attendances to be in line with the league this year. If I'm being totally honest, it seems I was a bit too generous with one or two clubs (like Sligo), but that's probably also linked to their very poor end of season form and having nothing to play for. 7. I will take a look at Connolly but I believe I bumped his stats a bit (definitely agility). One thing you have to take into consideration is these attributes are working off a world level, 17 acceleration is elite level. This also causes a huge jump in the players CA / PA (current ability / potential ability), because speed / acceleration is one of the most impactful attributes in the game.
  10. Hi, Thanks for the feedback. Shels new chairman was added a few weeks ago and Doyle has been removed, unfortunately this was not reflected in the Beta because it took an older version of the LOI data. Rest assured, this will be resolved in coming updates.
  11. @Zachary Whyte Investigated this and the reason for this issue is "3 Letter Name" was blank and "Alt 3 Letter Name" was filled in instead. I have amended this now with a new submission. Thanks for flagging this.
  12. So you got a little short-changed then? Only messing. You're dead right. Mark Connolly, the player to the right of the GK is 6'1, so McJannett is 6.0. I have updated it. Cheers.
  13. Thanks for the feedback. In terms of reporting things, I'm not sure using the "Your World" game mode represents the best way to view the data in the game, as obviously not all transfers etc are accounted for. It seems regardless of it not including player transfers, manager/staff movement goes through regardless - hence why we have Richie Holland at Cork City as manager and not assistant and Dave Rogers gone from Finn Harps as well. This is not something I can change. I have changed Declan Coleman's role from Assistant Manager to First Team Coach. As the the link with Preston is reversed and has been made by an English researcher, I cannot alter it. I have asked one of the English members of staff to remove this link. I'm not sure why that tendency came up for Dermot Usher as he currently has no fixed tendencies set, but I have added sign domestic based players and given him a rating of 7/20 for it. I've amended Turners Cross capacity so that it's showing as 7,365 now.
  14. Added those kits in. Changed the setting now that if Derry City reach the group stages, their games should take place at Tallaght Stadium. You cannot edit this round by round, i.e how they played the 2nd round in the Brandywell and the third round in Tallaght this year. You can only do prelim (i.e qualifying rounds), main (group stages) and later (past group stage). I have changed "main" for Derry City to Tallaght Stadium. Along with St. Pats, Dundalk, they've all played European games at Tallaght. Changed Bohs to the Aviva.
  15. Thanks for the feedback. 1. Amended. Gave him a low-ish LB rating and an accomplished LWB rating. 2. Name amended. 3. You can add stadium expansions in the game. I have added this. One question, is there any indication what the new SEATED capacity will be in the Brandywell after this? I know the overall capacity is now 6,242, but the game also requires an updated seated capacity. The new stand seems to be accommodating terracing. 4. I have referred this to SI. 5. Both Porter and McCallion are with Harps in the game? I'm not sure why they're not showing up for you. I have updated Daithí's name to include the fada. 6. Can't update that now as he's not in the DB, not going to lose too much sleep over something that trivial if I'm being honest. 7. Updated both histories. 8/9. Added the blue kit back in, it was in the game last year but it was removed due to the yellow kit coming in. I didn't know that Derry City were going to use it again this season.
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