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55 "Houston, we have a problem"

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    Preussen Münster

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  1. I'm rather happy that I have almost no life while using the little that's left for gender questions.
  2. Thanks for being so open. Myself I was diagnosed 25 years ago with ADHD und recently I've realized that I'm enjoying many autistic traits My recurring themes are Football + Football manager, History, motorcycles and mens clothing(Japan). The order is changing and for a period of time one interest remains dormant, but they always come back. In the last couple of months my interest in FM has declined and I hope that FM25 brings the joy back.
  3. As a non native english speaker I'd like to know how you rate the training reports. I assume that the rating goes like this: "improved a lot" less than "improved considerably" less than "improved significantly" less than "come leaps and bounds". What Do you consider as better: considerably or significantly?
  4. I'm not sure if you adressed me but I've attached my System Informations. I don't know if FM23 is using Java but the full-screen flickering has also been experienced by these developers in Intellij macOS-Ventura-Screen-flickering-after-OS-update-when-IDE-is-full-screen I've tried to play windowed and there didn't seem to be any flickering. Unfortunately on my Macbook Air M1 the screen is rather small and therefore windowed mode looks awful. MacBook Air.spx
  5. Try a league that is less balanced. For example the Portuguese First Division. Playing as one of the Big Three should be manageable. Or in Holland as Feyenoord or PSV.
  6. As I read "footy manager" is was inclined to stop reading but what the heck. Sure there are problems with FM but that's also true in every wake of life. Your post reminds me of a tourist that visits Rome and makes only remarks about the terrible traffic.
  7. How dare you. Clough was sacked. Or in his own words: "Resignations are for prime ministers and those caught with their trousers down, not for me"
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