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Issue Comments posted by tomthered

  1. On 23/05/2024 at 17:50, wazzaflow10 said:

    Thinking along the lines of a tweak here - there seems to be two key factors that limit the players that are scouted/recommended. The first is the ability of the player and the second is the interested of the player.

    I would propose something along the lines of the recruitment focus set up being something like this:

    The CA/PA stars handle the quality of the player. If you only want to get players that can play or potentially play for Arsenal or Man City then you can adjust them here. If you want a broader assignment then reducing the stars would provide loads of useless players. This currently exists though I'm not entirely sure it functions as it appears in the UI screen. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that it does.

    A new addition would be using the interest level widget we see on the scouting page that ranges from Very interested to Doubtful/Dubious/None. When selecting the recruitment focus we can use this to also filter out players who have interest or lack of interest in joining. Setting it to None would provide the widest range of players while very interested would be the most narrow.

    I think the default would be the game as is. Players who are interested in joining as well as possess the requisite ability to contribute. I think that provides the new user/speed scouter play styles sufficiently. For those of us who want to be more hands on, allowing the focus to be more open and direct who is scouted more directly by the current mechanism of acknowledge (defer), keep scouting, or discard in reports would be more satisfactory. It would also create enough volume that the wonderkid hunters would have to trawl through a load of reports or just empty recommendation focuses to find obscure wonderkids.

    Great solution - this would completely fix it for me.

  2. Hey Zachary, does it have to be from exactly before the match, or just generally?

    Edit: Unfortunately the autosave has gone on too far, so unfortunately I don't have a save from before the game.

    I've just checked the matches/automatic directory and I don't seem to have any PKM files in there. Is there a step I've missed? I'm on MacOS, for what it's worth

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