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Everything posted by leejerwood

  1. Hi All, Apologises if this has been asked and answered previously but I've searched and can't find what I am looking for. I downloaded the lower leagues database and chose Beckenham Town as my team to manage. I have so far managed four promotions and taken the team into league two. My question is around attendance and how to increase it. When I first started, I had x21 season ticket holders and this has now increased to x152. My average attendances was x100 at first and this has increased to around x600. My social media followers has increased rapidly from 2k to 78k! I think this is mainly down to a couple of good FA Cup runs, but that isn't showing a good reflection on home attendances. My question basically is this: I went into the editor to have a look at Beckenham Town and it shows that the maximum attendance for the club is x1000. Does this mean that it will steadily grow to gates of x1000 and then stop? I fully appreciate the level of growth will be slow, but my worry is the fact that it has a ceiling which will have a huge impact of financial fairplay. I have the lowest budget in the league, but due to my income I am always close to the FFP limit. Does anyone know the answer?
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