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Blue Lou

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709 "If you build it, he will come"



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    Sports Interactive & Minor African Countries Head Researcher

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  1. Hi. This isn't an issue with the game database. It is an issue with the 'real name' mod that you have installed.
  2. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. It'll be resolved in a future update.
  3. Hi. The person you are referring to is in the database at Malmö FF with the name Adrián Iglesias Fernández. His time at Giant Brillars is in his non player history. I've removed the duplicate profile. Thanks for the report.
  4. This is a data issue. The Stadium move has been set up incorrectly in the database.
  5. Thanks for raising the issue. I think I have resolved it but I will need to take a second look when the changes are in the game database.
  6. Thanks. I've added the international retirement to the profile.
  7. Thanks for taking the time to raise the issue. It'll be resolved in the near future.
  8. Hi. We're aware of this and have it under review, thank you.
  9. Thanks for raising the issue. I've made the correction.
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