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Posts posted by hertzvanrental

  1. Have you been improving your team, Improve it with the player attributtes i have stated in the OP but don't buy loads of players keep it to a max of say 6, Then try and loan in players too.

    Loaning especilly lower league is essential make sure you do this.

    I'm working on a new tactic same formation but better defence i think i've cracked it.....

    I messed around with the attack though and it's not as good so i'm trying to get it back where it was before.

    I have been improving my team, to the point where the start of my current season i thought i'd cracked it! (4 wins from 4, 11 scored, 4 against) However, the next four games were 3 defeats and a draw.

    My signings have been made with key attributes as the priority, therefore i would expect to do better if im using better players.

  2. I'm struggling with this tactic...

    First season, went up via playoffs with Walsall (League 1) very mixed bag of results!

    Second season, finished 18th in Championship, again no consistency in results.

    Third season, currently playing. I find the main problem this season is creating chances, i'm not creating as many as in the previous two seasons.

    I ask assistant for opposition instruction, is this where i'm going wrong?

    Any suggestions welcome

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