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Paris Hilton's Lover

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Paris Hilton's Lover last won the day on January 12 2018

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265 "I mean, funny like I'm a clown? I amuse you?"

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  1. Put money on this being a draw (with Germany, Spain and Belgium as a multi). I think Morocco is a decent side and 1-1 is my prediction.
  2. Keen to see how this plays out. I have a similar style myself but use a HB instead of a BWM(s) in the DM position. I trap the opposition inside and try to stop crosses (mainly because my CBs are crap at heading) as I feel with WBs or FBs on support they may get caught out of position and then you're midfielders will be deliberately pushing your opponents outside to empty space, further spreading your team thin on a quick counter. I say all that but I'm pretty trash at this game, so I'll definitely keep an eye on this
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