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  1. Sorry, but for the few posts above... you realise the game has always been one single database? Regardless of the leagues and nations you load up it's still one singular database? So you simply if you don't wish to play with the womens leagues, you don't load it as a league? It will run as an inactive league like all the others with only the high profile players on there and the transfer restrictions will be for them to only remain in womens leagues and competitions, and you'll only be able to manage in that league if you load it as a league. The same way if you were to load a game with England, Spain and France on it and then 5 years in decide you want to add Denmark too so you, y'know then make it an active league as your choice... Why would you expect there to be two separate databases for the mens gameworld and female gameworld when in real life they are on the same world just in separate competitions?
  2. I'd imagine that's because this is the very initial development update and they've announced some of the features that won't be returning and player interaction has been ''fixed'' and will be part of the later reveals and updates.
  3. I've slept on this one a bit. Whilst I am probably still erring on the side of being cautious/concerned in UI direction after seeing the update and screenshots yesterday, I am very aware the images shared in the update are design mock-ups (as very very high level examples of how it could look) and that a fair bit of movement and detail will come out in some of the consequent updates. Hopefully also, regardless of the final product customization (both UI modding and in-game selection of items) will still be very much possible for users (especially important if we are heading for an agnostic UI). Very keen to read the next set of updates and looking forward to getting hands on as I feel ultimately the proof will be in the pudding of having a product to test/play around with for a period of time before forming a more complete pinion and feedback from that. From working in PM in the public sector I'm aware of how fine the line is in getting the right balance of comms/transparency whilst in the development pipeline between internal resource, stakeholder and end users and at the right points so Kudos for continuing with the transparency also, SI. It's something that's been requested for quite a while so I welcome the move into having more transparency and communication even if the feedback isn't perhaps always necessarily as positive as anticipated. It lets people have discussions, share opinions and debate at a much earlier point in the run up to release which is positive for all in the long run as long as it's constructive. I know what we're all waiting for in the next update. LET US SEE THOSE UNITY MANAGER EYEBROWS
  4. The same is true of crafting a design that’s platform agnostic, enabling ease of play whether you’ve got a mouse and keyboard, a controller, or even a touch screen. Really struggling with this bit. If you make a UI on the basis of it being easy to use with a controller in mind, then that comes at the expense/detriment/limitation of all the other ways to play. I wouldn't expect FM to look the same on a computer as I would on an Xbox, or on my mobile device. Which is what I thought the whole purpose of FM touch and FM mobile was. Designed for different play styles and level of depth which usually correlated to that particular platform and user base. Think of board games. It's a booming market. Especially in adults nowadays. Settlers of Qatan etc. But then you also have the family board game market with a broader age range in mind. If you design a board game with the above in mind that is meant to be enjoyed for all, then it has to be useable/enjoyable for the youngest. So using language/game themes and ideas for say a 5 year old will come at the expense of how the same game could be played by a 30 year old. I have an adjustable basketball hoop outside. If my son wants to play with it I lower the height and he has fun. If I want to play with it I put it higher and I have fun. If we were to set it in the middle for both of us, both of our fun and enjoyment would be impacted. You cannot make a singular UI that is designed for cross-platform use with such a wide range of playing styles (plug and play, hardcore career 20+ year FM'ers), especially not in a market and world where, if anything, you should have more customizable options in a UI/game to make it as bespoke as possible rather than implying restrictions. I really hope my reading of the development blog is wrong and either this is in no way shape or form near the finished product, or that we have simply been shown FM Touch/a mobile view.
  5. If they manage to get the portal to do this (having more immersion and involvement in the rest of your FM save world) then that's a huge step. Immersion is so important.
  6. My taking of it was that it's actually the deadlines etc. For e.g Brentford game is in 8 hours. In 1 hour you will attend a press conference. 7 hours you must confirm the squad. In 8 hours the game kicks off etc. It would make more sense however, to list them as 09:00, 15:00, 16:00 etc if it is meant to act as an itinerary.
  7. I think you've hit the nail on the head there. The feel is very much ''mobile app design football game'' rather than a Football Management spreadsheet simulation via a laptop/computer.
  8. I believe the justification for this was that ''well in real life players don't come with a fitness % that you can see' and this is a football management simulation''. Which is fine. But in real life you'd get to see the players day in day out, notice their signs of fatigue. You'd be able to have a conversation with coaches and medical staff who could give you detailed info on their status. During a game you would be able to see a player blowing and their signs of fatigue. We get a shaded heart that (I think) has about 5 intergers/stages to it. I feel like a player going from 50% to 40% in real life would be very noticeable but we are only tooled with being able to see them go from half heart (50%) to semi half heart (25%) which is a huge jump. There's also the issue of the heart format really not being user friendly or accessible for quick glances and/or for people with visual impairments.
  9. FM13 FM24 FM25 It's possible I'm being unfair and just very set in my ways but I think each of the above shows a gradual decline in how the match day screen should work. FM13 vs now Around the FM13 timeperiod you had widgets that were customizable and draggable. The beauty of this (for me at least) was that you were able to see player ratings from both teams in a full list from top to bottom including bench players. You could see their position, condition, rating and if they had been brought on, off or carded very easily in one glance. IIRC if you dragged the ratings wide enough you could then select it so you could see player stats passes etc in a number format. You also had that lovely screen pre-game which really added to the immersion which said stuff like ''players 100th game for the club, needs one more goal to be top scorer in history etc'' . On the current version the above isn't possible. It's cut off for player ratings in terms of length (so for me usually just the first 10 players then cuts off the rest and the bench) and you can't see stats for them during the game. You also on the current version if you choose a league table often can't see fully from top to bottom, and it also isn't wide enough to display GD. So you can be at the last game of the season joint top on points with someone... and not be able to see each others live GD. Also on latest scores often the team names can't be displayed fully for e.g instead of Huddersfield it shows H...eld. I just feel like with the UI in recent years for the match day screen and also for the proposed one for FM25 it doesn't allow you to feel immersed or get the info you require. You have several blocks on the screen, sure, and to an extent you can choose what they are. But you will only be able to see 60% of the league table without scrolling, only 40% of a team sheet without scrolling or having to do more clicks to see the stats you want to see (condition, morale, if they were subbed).
  10. Not sure how I feel about the Portal. I guess it will either be something people get used to and love, or either long for the old inbox days. Feels a bit FM touch to just from looking at it. The space being used quite poorly on the image below. Text boxes being cut off when there's plenty of room overall etc. It remind me of the vanilla version widgets on the in-match screen which have been a pain and step backwards imo since the redesign a few years ago (but also aware this is a WIP).
  11. I agree, however the future transfer isn't showing in the transfer page or even as a green box with FRT on the squad overview. You have to go into the players profile to see it, whereas on a seperate save you don't and you get notifications as usual. Which makes me think this isn't intended.
  12. I've just experienced this for the first time on a new save. Do we know if this issue still occurs if you change team? Or if it is locked to certain saves?
  13. Bit of a side note, but the rep skew has been off for human manages for 2/3 editions now. If you have a lot of coaching badges then your experience is largely irrelevant. The badges cause huge rep increases. Sadly, even if you go down the route of not getting badges you still a few seasons in get better offers than you should. Badges shouldn't cause rep increases, only coaching attribute increases. Your performance should be used for rep (taking country, level, importance etc into account) but that's a different debate for a different thread. Really enjoying this one though and following!
  14. I'm struggling to find this. Unless it's been removed again!
  15. I would also be interested in learning more about this
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