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  1. i think the thing that stand out to me is the number of attack duties, especially in attack. whilst it is good to give your advanced playmaker running options, if he misses them, does he pass backwards a lot? I would consider 1 of the forwards as a support role, perhaps the right sided one to help with the overlap.
  2. have you got the in-game editor? might be a justifiable use of it to change retirement to a week later (can this be done??)
  3. I wonder if people will work out how to do it and then everybody will know how to get the klopp effect. If may end up being instead of happening rarely to happening all the time as gamers tend to be good at exploiting these kinds of things. I still think the PA system is fine, just that it should be harder to reach.
  4. woah! sorry for the obvious question but have you got a skin loaded? if no, have you had 1 loaded before? Maybe make sure the default skin is loaded and clear cache? I don't know, mostly guessing here but I have never seen that (I do not have FM24)
  5. What is the overall objective of Football Manager There is no objectiv here. Think of it more like a sandbox game, where you play the game how you like and try to achieve what you want. For example: 1) Do I want to take over Real Madrid and try to win 10 Champions league titles in a row? 2) Do I want to take over a league 2 side in England and try to make it to the premiership? 3) Do I want to take over a city's lowest rank side and make it the dominant force in that city? 4) Do I wan to take over a lowly ranked side and never buy players? Try and get to the premiership with only players comming in from my youth Do you have to take your team to the championship to say “beat the game” (or is there a concept of say beating the game in FM24) There is no official beating the game. The objectives are made by you, and you win the game when you have achieved your goal (see my reply to your 1st question). Is the object to just have fun as a Football manager through simulation ? Yep! Sandbox!! Fun can be had in many ways (as discussed earlier). Some people like to get a tactical idea and see how far they can go with it. I have seen some people choose a player and see if they can make them the highest scorer ever. As you are pretty new here, I suggest you start with the objectives given to you when you choose a team. As you get more familiar, take the game to where you want to take it!
  6. which was the FM where the long ball forward to a target man (before roles and duties were implements) was overpowered? Crouch could become a superstar and Bale was like 16 years old? Must be FM2007 or 2008. There was also an Italian target forward that could be gotten really cheap, starts with 'C', can't remember the rest of his name! Anyway, whilst I had played FM before that, this was the version that really hooked me. Anyway, most results here will be subjective based on particular saves. I would argue that the best version is always the latest one.
  7. Op I have never seen a defense like that! How is it working for you? Also, do you not worry about width on the right? Interesting tactic!
  8. Whilst i agree with the idea in principle, i think the big drawback is this can leave the game open to exploits. People will find a way to overload, take advantage of the match engine etc.
  9. there needs to be some way of having players reach a maximum level. whilst PA is a level given to a player by a human scout from SI, what other way can it be done? There are variable PAs for some players that are young enough so SI provides a range that is decided when the game is started. I guess you could argue there could be more variable PAs. I mean by definition the player cannot get better than his potential....
  10. 1 thing I have noticed is playing with the defensive line. In some games, especially if the other team is strong, I notice that nothing is happening for my team and most of the highlights are for the other team. By dropping the defensive line down 1 point, especially with a geggenpress tactic, i find that it reduces the effectiveness of the other team.
  11. To build on what cloud9 is saying: Before I mentioned imagining where the players would be when you have the ball. I think the 1st tactic would look something like this: Resulting in: And the 2nd: Resulting in: In both cases You would be pretty open to counter attacks. A great article someone on these forums shared a few years ago is: https://weaintgotnohistory.sbnation.com/features/2020/10/14/21515543/re-imagining-frank-lampards-chelsea-a-positional-play-game-model TLDR: the suggestion here is that when you have the ball you could be aiming for essentially 3 defenders, 2 balance players and 5 in attack (2 creating width, 1 or 2 attacking the goal). Some examples the website gives are: For example in the liverpool picture, Van dijk, gomez and fabinho are the defenders, wijnaldum and henderson the balance players, trent and robertson the width, firmino the creator and mane and salah attacking the goal. For man city the difference is that there is an extra creator and 1 less attacking the goal. For chelsea the defender moves from DM to CB. The website argued that chelsea (that year) were too much like: I wonder if your current roles and duties are more like the last picture of chelsea than the other ones? EDIT: I just looked at the PPMs for the players you have provided. 1) Daraba has cut inside from both wings. So this means he wont be really able to provide the width on the right, 2) Sa has gets forward whenever possible trait so he will be even further forward than i had thought. Maybe more like this for the 1st tactic: 2nd:
  12. I feel that the formation, roles and duties are over-complicated for me (especially the 1st tactic). That does not mean this kind of thing cant work, but to me it feels like there is an element of choosing roles and duties to match the players and not the whole package, or seeing combinations that can work together (eg wb and car) but not using that in a cohesive package (all of which i have done many times before!!). Consider this: open up a 3rd tactical slot in the game, and place each player where you think they will be in the attacking phase when you might lose possession and be counter attacked, See anything?
  13. I wonder if this website could help out a bit here: https://themastermindsite.com/2022/04/13/evaluating-players-based-on-role-continuity/ It attempts to break down positions into roles and some stats that the creator believes indicate good players in those roles (see down the bottom for a link to specific roles). I guess there is some subjectivity here but maybe worth a look. Those with a subscription to the athletic can see they looked at 18 player roles: https://theathletic.com/3473297/2022/08/10/player-roles-the-athletic/ Again there is subjectivity, EG a wide attacker unlocker could be inverted or a crosser, which is not really separated in the article. The article does not give specific stats on how each label was obtained. Sorry if i am overcomplicating things, but I thought it was potentially useful!
  14. not the OP, but can someone explain why the IF sup on the heatmap is higher than the AF and the IF att?
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