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121 "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"

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    Channon...nice touch there...oh look at this, Bobby Stokes...HIT WELL...

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  1. How do you define improved? Was the AI more challenging?
  2. What if you wanted to use gengenpress (eg recreate a teams particular style of play IRL) but wanted to have a challenge too?
  3. I suspect they’ll be standalone, just as in the same way you add or exclude, say, the Turkish or Portuguese league
  4. Great summary. Has anyone played long enough with daveincd’s realism mod to see what effect that has?
  5. I actually went back to 20 recently in an effort to find something different to what I’m experiencing with 24, and it’s exactly the same- can finish top two with a team predicted to be in the relegation places, with the same strategy. FM 15 I agree with though.
  6. Although all games are exploitable in some way, I’d feel there was a marked shift in easiness from FM 20, when the current OP metas became dominant. Of course you could make it harder artificially (sign only welsh players starting with the letter Y or whatever) but for me, that was the turning point. Obviously difficulty is quite subjective- if I picked up the game now with no prior experience, and i don’t look at YouTube and other social media I may find it impossible- I might (quite logically) choose to play a counterattacking slow build up style with Luton, when I fact this isn’t favoured by the engine. But I’ve been playing these types of games for decades and read these forums, so I’m exposed to the hive mind of thought on here.
  7. A lot of chat about the patch "fixing" OP gegenpressing. As much as I pray I'm wrong, I have an inkling that SI themselves don't know how to fix it, and we'll be left with a game very similar to what we have right now come March. Counterpress, high defensive lines, aggressive tackling (& it being very successful with teams that really won't be able to pull it off IRL) has been the plug and play meta since at least FM 20- SI themselves have made noises about making it a thing of the past in 22, and yet here we are again. I have no experience in coding, but is it possible that code can become so complex over many iterations that even developers may not how to correct it? Question more so for those in the know of software development.
  8. Fm 18 is notoriously difficult to get hold of from my experience. To be fair that one had its own issues. I’ve had success finding older versions like 16 on ebay personally
  9. I really liked a comment someone made a few months back commenting on this very issue- football manager has become a “Potemkin village”. There’s a lot of tools to make you feel like you’re doing deep analysis, but in reality you need very few if any to succeed.
  10. I really miss the days early on prior to release, where we had clear information and expectations from SI as to the shortcomings of the past editions, and what we should expect in the future (aka Miles’ apology). Now that we have this most complete version ever, it seems to have dried up again.
  11. That’s even more concerning for this version you achieved it without a high press system to be honest.
  12. I know it’s a rough test, but I did something similar with the Latvian league when I tested the efficacy of gegenpress tactics vs others a while back. Selected Super Nova (a low ranked side) set a high pressing tactic, let in go on holiday indefinitely with instructions to play with that tactic. Came back, multiple league titles and UCL qualification- compared to non counter press strategy where that didn’t happen. Bizarrely you don’t need to even play in some cases to achieve this. I realise there are limitations, but it’s certainly something wouldn’t have happened in versions I played 10 years ago. As a comparison I did the similar thing in FM16 which I had installed, and of course when I returned from holiday I’d been eventually sacked (as you’d might expect from leaving everything to your Assistant other than setting a tactic)
  13. Wasn’t more competitive transfer dealings from the AI/youth development meant to be a headline feature of this edition? It’s one of the reasons I bought the game
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