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m_fenton last won the day on June 24

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3,512 "These go to eleven"

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  1. Kane being 70 yards up field would be a start though I suppose - take what you can.
  2. There's no unfair hype about it, that's an absolute worldy of a save ffs. 6 yards out, skidding off a soaking wet pitch, and dealt with strongly enough to take it right away from goal rather than back into play where another attacker could challenge to follow it up.
  3. Or you could read the whole post instead of quoting a selective part of it? Quite clear from the rest of what Rob said that it was about how often you see it happen (most goals vs very rarely) rather than anything else. What an odd thing to get worked up about
  4. And Walker literally played 3rd centre back, not just during the build up, for some of the game.
  5. How can you be baffled about one decision being talked about because its technically correct, but be annoyed about a different one that's technically correct? In each case, I think you can accept that the technically correct decision is right, but doesn't necessarily feel right to everyone. Hence discussions about how each could be improved. I think the automation of VAR is a big step towards it feeling fairer, but it still doesn't feel right to me that a player who is "basically level" is penalised. Nor does it feel right that a defender a long way from goal, with an arm out for balance, with a ball blasted from not far away, gets punished with a 75%+ chance of conceding a goal. Without VAR, Foden's goal last night would somehow have been allowed, which probably becomes Slovakia's "Lampard v Germany" moment, so in that way it improves the game. Far from perfect though, and one way or another the game and rules will adapt to its useage.
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