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John Joe O'toole

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Everything posted by John Joe O'toole

  1. I think you're right, needs to be optimised for the system properly and he'd be fine running it on that.
  2. There's bugger all difference mate - could you have dust ingress? Yep it should work fine. My point was that its not the most demanding game. I am running Ventura 13.0.1
  3. In this guide it says about refresh rates but doesn’t look like you can alter that on a MacBook Air. There must be something wrong because even though he’s got a 7 core GPU it shouldn’t run the match engine at 95degrees. Surely it’s not that demanding, not like he’s playing COD on it.
  4. Can you screenshot an image of the temp for us to see please?
  5. Ive got 8gb RAM with an 8core GPU. I cant imagine the 7core struggles to run 2D though!
  6. Hey, this was for a pre-season friendly but highest it got to was 70degrees on high graphics and key highlights. I have seen Ventura now has an update
  7. How are you finding out the temp? My M1 AIR Seems to of got hotter since the last FM as well, I think its Ventura like another poster has stated.
  8. I cant seem to alter the refresh rate on MacBook Air. Since the full release of FM23 the flashing has toned down, although I do get a slight flicker from time to time but it has improved from the BETA.
  9. Thanks Neil will check that link out. While Arny says it’s very disruptive to playing, I wouldn’t go that far. It doesn’t cause any crashes just a quick flash every now and again, obviously it’s not ideal but doesn’t have too much of an impact on the game.
  10. I will do my best but seeing as it’s at random points it may be difficult. I upgraded to Ventura 13.0 - can’t remember which one from - maybe Monterey or Big Sur. I’ve spoken with someone else on Mac who has experienced the same thing. thanks
  11. With FM open I’m experiencing a random flash of colour for a millisecond since updating Mac OS
  12. Do you have the base model? When you say choppy does it like lag for a second?
  13. Odd millisecond flash now occurs at random points in the game after updating my macOS to Ventura
  14. All you can do is just try it on a demo or on the game. It will definitely run a few leagues and then you could set alot to view only
  15. I am pretty sure you can get a refund as its unplayable unless you can get OS11
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